Monday, January 16, 2006

Why Change?

Ok, so being a former political staffer has it's ups and downs. Everyone expects you to know all the answers. Usually, I don't have a clue. However, here's one answer I can provide.

People say to me, "why the hell should I vote for Harper, he'll be just as corrupt as the last guy."

1) that's a cynical attitude for one. It's like saying, "why should I buy a new computer, it's out-of-date by the time it gets to my house." Maybe not like that, but hopefully you understand. One always has to think positively that change will bring about change and their vote counts.

2) Culture of Entitlement. This is an oft used term of this election. More famously used by David Dingwall, the Former Federal Mint Chairman, and former liberal cabinet minister, who after being found ridiculously spending taxpayers dollars said in an inquiry he was, "entitled to his entitlements." That's the way the Liberals feel right now. That's what happens when you're in power for 13 just start thinking it's yours. But guess what folks, everyone knows, the government has no money of its own...they only have our money. Every penny they spend, comes from our pockets. We elect them to use it wisely. I saw it at the Provincial level. We deserved to lose in 2003. We lost it where we were supposedly strong - valuing "Joe Taxpayers" dollars. So to get to the point - Change will fix this culture of entitlement - if only for a few years. Conservatives will have value for hard-working Canadians dollars. They won't take it for granted. Liberals will realise where they went wrong. It will most often be the one who values these dollars best that will win the trust of the people.

So to change this, vote for the conservatives this time. Give them a chance if you haven't before.


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