Monday, January 30, 2006

The Birthday Post

This man is now officially 32. What a disgrace.

Sunday I was a little too hungover to write a post. Furthermore, it was quite late/early when i got home...nevertheless, here's a quick breakdown of the evening.

The unnamed student did end up showing up to the party, albeit very early, and he didn't stay long. The verdict is still out to whether he returns to the web or not. Please feel free to post your thoughts on his return.

The unnamed student's absence was thought to partially be filled by the Wild Drunk. However, he was also disappointing on the evening. He didn't tell anyone that they had STDs (except yours truly), he didn't have the opportunity to use the, "that guy spit on you" trick, nor did he have glassy eyes. All in all, he was a disappointment. We're looking for more on Palaver this Thursday and Golf Day Friday.

The party started at the brother 'Diots' house (brother 'I' and 'Ni'). Special thanks go the guests that showed up. No thanks go to Marc Lucenti (brother 'I' also known as Chris Bosh's younger brother 'Ki') for Kiboshing yours truly's invitations to all my girlfriends. It's too bad Lips couldn't make it. I have yet to ask why the new blood didn't show up (Mike and Sean, you're disappointing us - don't let it happen again).

Guests for evening included Jay (thanks for telling Wild Drunk that story, now everyone knows about your closet exploits), Meghan, Ilana and Iain, the Rocket, the Sprocket and Dave (good thing they don't drink much...) Johnny Q, Roxy and Sam Marash.

Despite efforts to go see the ACDC tribute band in Surfer's Paradise, we all went to Varsity Lakes Tavern for a few pops. Although we were successful in speaking to a few girls, we were not successful in getting Dave a birthday girl. I did introduce him to one lovely young lady, but apparently he couldn't close the deal. I think he needs to learn some of the Unnamed Student's moves. Marc didn't have much luck either...though, I'm not sure if i had good luck or bad luck the way my night went...

Anyway....the night to surfers on the bus was not needed. If the Unnamed student would have been there, or the Wild Drink would have...wild, then things would've changed.

Looking forward to this week. Possible return of the Unnamed Student to the web. Also, in depth profile on the Wild Drunk.

Stay Tuned...


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