Thursday, January 19, 2006


This is my second post about Jordo.

As I mentioned in a previous post, Jordo works at "Yes" employment in North Bay. "Yes" provides job advice and places people that are out of work from the region. Yet, i find it odd that an organization would hire a man who has never held a job to help others find jobs? I'm sure he's doing well. But I sometimes wonder, when he interviews people, does he ask them about how to hit "shots" or what to do with "Q-J in the small blind in a five-man no limit game with one bet before you?" Who really knows...

Jordo is fond of driving a Chevy Lumina, also known as "the chapel." It is like Mecca, Cathedral Notre Dame, or at least like Gateway Pentecostal on Marshall Avenue North Bay - take your pick.

He is also known for speaking of odd things - too many to name.

Is he a god? We're not positive, but evidence points to yes. Fact - when in the bush on the golf course he always looks toward a one-inch opening that may gain him a yard or two, rather than the safe chip out. And while eyeing these openings, however small they may be, he often-times has one foot four feet higher on a rock and the other in foot high mud. Rarely does he make the shot, but he always tries. This leads us to believe that only a man with a higher power could even think of such stupidity.

Please see the attached photo of Jordo. He has since gained weight.


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