Wednesday, March 01, 2006

organic waste

My wish is that the world one-day diverts all its organic waste from its landfills...

I'm not sure if Aussies know about how fun composting and diverting organic waste from the
landfill can be. I'm not sure they deal with garbage properly...What's is the lifespan of your waste facilities here? What's the plan for when it reaches capacity? We must think about these things...I have just the person to look at this when Australia is ready...along with me of course....

A man can dream can't he?


At 4:56 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Making harsh generalisations about Australia, again. Perhaps you should refer to recyling policies and guidelines of the other states and territories of this great nation. (I am sure you are aware of these now given you are taking Australian constitutional law.)Many states have compost recycling facilties and many families who have backyards also have their own compost bins and recycle organic matter to use on their own garden beds! Goodness gratious did you realise Australia was such a progressive nation.


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