Sunday, June 11, 2006

This and that

  • Donnie Baseball 2006 fantasy pool winter meetings were held Friday night at Sailfish Cove. 9/10 owners attended. A plethora of deals were made. Shithead made one deal he may regret sending struggling Cardinals closer Jason Isringhausen to Oil Can Rocket for former Cy Young award winner Barry Zito. Although it looks like I won the trade on the surface, it leaves me bare in the closer department with Jose Valverde struggling in Arizona. Never fear though, there may be a move waiting on the horizon.
  • Club 20 was held last thursday night. Former Consititutional Law Professor and current Administrative Law Professor Patrick Keyzer joined me for a quick beer before he had to head back up to teach another class. My Land law partner from last semester, Morgan (of the barbecue fame) was also present. After a quick discussion and as a result of our success in the last assignment we decided to be partners for the Business Associations Client Interview assignment. Look out world.
  • It's important to know when to bluff in life...otherwise people will call you on it.
  • World Cup soccer has begun....that's all I have to say about that for now.
  • I've been eating Corn Flakes lately, although my milk has gone bad. They tasted funny this morning.
  • My arm/shoulder is currently at 65 per cent. Unfortunately not good enough for baseball yet...but look out on the squash court. I may make a triumphant return. More to come...
  • Why is it so cold in this country at night?
  • Why can't someone do something about the problem in Caledonia Ontario with the native protest? A judge has made a ruling for the police to get them out and the police have not followed his orders? what kind of society is do we live in? The protesters attacked journalists and American tourists while the Ontario Provincial Police did nothing!
  • By the way...I'm glad they got the terrorists in Canada. The job's not done yet..keep going.
  • My apologies to Victor Anderson. He was praising me when I thought the opposite. I just think...he almost got the devil horn treatment!
  • That is all for now...


At 12:30 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Victor was looking foward to the devil horn treatment...should've done that to my sister rather than ban her. Am i also banned? I hope so. Can't believe you named your baseball team after my dad's teddy bear. Shithead has witnessed dad's rise and fall over many years while dealing with the 'trials and tribulations' of daily life. He has also been bashed, thrown, hung upside down, strangled, hanged (by way of the blind cord), made a guest vist to my mum's 50th only to be hurtled and kicked across the dining room and this is only the mentionable things. While you stole my Dad's label I do hope your baseball team has a little more luck...shithead is currently in isolation in qld.

At 8:41 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where's the Edge you keep talking about? Your site is getting worse by the hour!

At 2:56 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to the thinklsa website and was horrified to see comments by *** someone nameless **** using their personal history for gain. Really what were they saying to us. "... oh you poor downtrodden students ... here let me help ... I have experience helping people less fortunate". How is that experience even relevant? They didn't ask for my vote and I didn't give it to them.


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