Saturday, July 08, 2006

The games - thoughts and pieces....

  • The Australian Northern University Games were held this past week in Caloundra - Sunshine Coast, Queensland Australia. Fun was had by most...I'll leave it at that.
  • The president and CEO of was involved with the squash team, and very briefly the girls basketball team. It was a tale of two cities. One team worked together, was behind one another, had roles, gave it their all, supported one-another. The other had a few bright spots, but couldn't get past their own egos. Unfortunately for the rest of the team they brought morale down to a level few have seen before. Neither team brought back a medal...but one team brought back a team spirit that will not be forgotten. Others still need to realise what a team means. Besides, how can you take a team seriously that doesn't score in the first half of most games? Anyway, enough about that...
  • The point of the games was not about winning or losing. It was about camradarie and friendship.
  • The volleyball team led by Andy and Marcus (and some force named Steph) played hard. Andy got an MVP award. Well done.
  • The AFL team won the gold led by Sam Chester and James Perry. Well done. Rich couldn't find the field - way to go Rich, you screwed up again.
  • Speaking of Rich, his golf team won the silver. Sam Marash was the glue that held that team together with Jon Baker.
  • The baseball team made the semis, but lost in the bronze medal game of a four team tournament - if you call default losing. The Rocket may have had a few too many drinks before the 8am game - and that's not too good for the catcher.
  • Rugby led by Robert Bartrop and his 6 stitches (the amount of stitches went up after every beer he had...and the story got better and better each time) came up short but drank very well.
  • Morgan Shipp (my law assignment partner) competed in Lawn bowls. What a sport. I'm not sure if he knows how they did...I'm not sure if he knows where he was on Tuesday night (more about him in a later post)....see him above (bottom Pic) skulling a beer at Kangaroo court night.
  • I spoke for the squash team on Kangaroo court night...had to charge Myles and Brady for disappointment. Brady believing nobody having it harder than the squash team, and Myles for being the #1 seed from our team and not winning a game (he did win 1 later...although his competition was fiercer than a pissed of Girls b-ball team member).
  • The nightlife got a little painful.
  • ok, I've been trying to write this post for a day...I just can't remember. My staff were on vacation...this is where it ends for now.


At 7:07 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about those badminton players who brought home the Silver?

At 7:18 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Prisco... many dedicated readers of you blog are disappointed in your recent posts. Whats your beef with the girls basketball team? Who was the girl that received the 'devil horn treatment'? What is the point of posting stories that only you and maybe the famous 'Diot brothers" will understand? You have competition ... everyday there are more bondies starting up blogs... if you want to keep your readers stop being such a damn tease and give us the whole story!!!


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