Monday, June 26, 2006


I'm pissed off right now. For some reason at 6:27pm 26 June 2006 I am feeling down in the shitter! I gotta get my work done! Anyway here are my thoughts right now:

The following comments were posted on the blog:

1)Wow - you really changed my opinion of you. Here I was thinking that you were a normal person (my mistake apparently) I couldn't understand why you didn't have a girl - really ! And then you go and say you are the only member of the bond blogging community. How self centred and narrow minded. Have you ever asked anyone else if they have a blog? Are we seeing your true colours at last? Look pal, read before you post moronic things like this. I was clear when I wrote, "the Bond blogging community (which apparently I am the only member I know of)" What part of "the only member I know of" didn't you understand? (Was that harsh?)

2) "Gord.....why is it that you are sucking up to the new LSA so much......I thought you were better than that." First off, I have not sucked up to the new LSA. I will praise them when I think they're doing a good job. I will also hold them to account when they fuck up. By doing so, we'll help to enhance the accountability of the LSA as well as to build trust among the students and encourage increased participation and bring forward new ideas. There has never been a concerted effort among students at Bond University to hold our elected student body to account. Well folks, we at are gonna do just that. I invite anyone from council to tell us what they're doing in a guest column. We're all about accountability here.

Unrelated stuff:
  • Lips Like Sugar is an Echo and the Bunnymen song. Coldplay does a remarkable cover of it. I finally got my hands on it. Coldplay was meant to sing this song. If you're at the Bond Library you can listen to it on my shared Itunes. If you aren't, you're gonna have to find it yourself.
  • Section 9(1) of the Evidence Act in Queensland says that every person including a child is presumed to be competent. I think I had a point to make about this section for some god damn reason, but I can't remember cause I'm still pissed off.
  • In Canada we only just recently got a national anthem. Before that we just used a Celine Dion song.
  • I'm really damn close to giving anyone that pisses me off the devil horn watch out!
  • I don't like letting friends down when they need me. I've done it before, and I'll probably do it again. It's never on purpose. But I did it recently and I feel terrible. Sorry - you know who you are.
  • Congrats to my friend Christine in Toronto moving from Queen's Park to the Toronto Board of Trade.
  • is proud to now offer birthday announcements for a small donation (we have to pay our staff somehow?). Donations can come in the form of beer or spirits.


At 9:59 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cheer up charlie. Perhaps you days would seem not so 'shitty' if you stopped spending all your time banning people from the blog instead of applying yourself to academic pursuits.


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