Wednesday, June 21, 2006

You said it

It's that time again folks on Yup, it's comments time. This is the time when I post about all the weird and wacky things that have been said to my posts over the last while. And I also respond. For the record, I had my biggest hit day today. Over 75 individual hits and over 100 page views. All the hard workers at thank you, and I thank you on behalf of them...this is starting to sound like a Dennis Ong Equity scenario? Anyway...the comments.

April 10, 2006
supermacholovegodstudhorse said...

"if you die, can I keep the Caddyshack DVD?"

Well supermacholovegodstudhorse, if you have my caddyshack DVD bring it back. And if I die, it'll because I'm on a hunt to find you, you sonofabitch! Bring it back to me. Send it to Sailfish Cove pronto.

April 5, 2006
Anonymous said...

"you simply are the best!"

Too kind, but very correct.

April 02, 2006
Anonymous said...

"Greetings from Melbourne. We now LOVE the blog!!!! Topical and correct. Not all Australians would agree. The controversy will be interesting! Good Work MATE!"

We all know who is is from...thanks for the support Chopper Reid. We all know you like controversy. Glad to see you get internet access in jail. Good luck with the probation efforts.

May 31, 2006
Anonymous said...

"Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations."

You must be on drugs. The only resources I talk about are where the cheapest M&M peanuts can be found on the Gold Coast, and usually halfway through my explanations I give up explaining and make up some kind of lie.

May 29, 2006
Anonymous said...

"Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again."

Again, why are you coming back? This is all nonsensenical meaningless drivel (ok, really thanks for the compliment..I'll send signed pictures of myself for $4.95 plus shipping...for another $9 I'll send a picture of me nude on the beach).

May 27, 2006
Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"you can't get cheap drycleaning in Australia."

I hope this had something to do with one of my posts. Otherwise it's an odd comment. Nevertheless it's the truth. What's with this country and dry-cleaning? You can get really good cheap cheese though. time I wanna go get something dry-cleaned, I'm gonna go buy some cheese to make me feel better.

May 24, 2006
Relly said...

"Looks like you need to take an expert mountain biking clinic from your sister Gordo. Keep up the good work. I guess you'll be investing in a new helmet, or maybe you don't want to mess your hair."

Look here Relly. Maybe you should invest in a new nickname! hahahaha...maybe you should take some cross country skiing lessons. First person in North Bay Nordic Ski club history that has dislocated their shoulder from CROSS COUNTRY SKIING! Shit, you're not even going down any hills! A real man's sport.

May18, 2006
Anonymous said...

"Nice to see you can paraphrase. This is a useful skill to have. I would argue that formulating your own opinions, rather than those of others, is more useful."

How about you get a life and look at someone else's blog. The good people at are working hard scouring the world wide web for interesting stories for YOU - the reader. They've also got the pulse of Bond Uni. That's all I have to say about that.

More to come in part 2.

On another small note, it's great to be the official blog of Bond Uni. Welcome my new readers Nitay, Jess, Will, and every other fool who chooses to waste their life reading the nonsense page. Thank you and goodnight!


At 10:01 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

is there an astrological twist to your review being shortest day down here, longest day up there, another european conspiracy. The shortest way up is down, think about that, says Guru Bob from the temple. the solistice was 10.37pm australian eastern standard time

At 3:34 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gord you are a liar.

You publish fiction.

At 10:19 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha ha hysterical! I am 'banned from the blog' but you managed to publish 3 of my comments. Well two and a half given that one comment was made by my entire family. No we have nothing in common with chopper, thankyou! And yes regarding cheap dry-cleaning this was in response to one of the demands on your blog...i think you were asking if there were any good deals about...I've heard of some in Vietnam, London, Frankfurt and Melbourne, but no not the goldcoast. No Mr Dyson Gord is really not a liar (perhaps he stretches the truth at times). Pity your not Mr Darcy, he seems lovely. And Dad, mum and i will have you committed if you continue to post comments such as the one above!


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