Wednesday, August 23, 2006

A Day in the Life

  • Eating ice cream and pie with coffee reminds me of days going to Future Bakery (bottom above) in Toronto with my friend Al Pyette. It was there he shared his common sense wisdom with me.
  • The other picture is of a man that could have been outside the bakery waiting for me to give him money.
  • It seems as though our concerns about the library have been addressed. Next semester the library will be open everyday at 8am and on Friday (from week-four) until 9pm. If every department in the school could be run like the library, Bond would be even better than it already is.
  • Al Pyette still holds the minor league hockey record for goals in a game with six, including three posts. Next game - didn't touch the puck.
  • Jim Payne advises me that the Star Trek movies that end in even numbers are better than ones ending in odd. His current favourite is Star Trek II - The Wrath of Khan.
  • Pertaining to an email that was sent to our Bond Accounts regarding some kind of stress relief was brought to the attention of Angela Lacey (responsible for all emails) and Registrar Allan Finch. Finch responded that he agreed with me, for him to leave it in his hands....I predict a busy semester for Finch from the Skuller and Me. But so far, he's up to the job. Maybe I'll ask him 7 questions?
  • I emailed Anthony Spegel yesterday asking him to consider giving priority for all Brasserie jobs to Bond least all the jobs to do with dishwashing. The idea was originally from the Culinary Critic - Matt Lorkin. I think I gave Spegel good rationale. We'll see what he comes back with.
  • Mike Hart is your Liberal (liberal here is conservative) candidate for Burleigh. We're gonna do all we can to get him elected and beat the incumbent.


At 3:12 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tremendous work Editor. Where is the LSA President on these issues. He cant go on Holidays. Full marks to the Blog who dont take Holidays. Is Skuller still alive?

At 7:19 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

that chap outside that eatery, i know you are clean shaven but closely with that curly hair, is there a past life, are you a rag to riches story after all. Have you experience the school of hard knocks and like phoneix arisen from the ashes. WOW

At 7:30 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh i forgot, there was also the miracle, your eye sight returned. Have you told us the full story, part of your mission to visit the land down under? When do we get your message from Christ?

At 8:48 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen I know this may start all sorts of inuendo. However, a friend of mine rang me yesterday to catch up. Unfortunately I could not attend the 'bash' at Don's after the exams as I had to return to Sydney for childrens sport. ( ps my daughter won her netball and my son won his second grand final this year for rugby union). This friend described the party as great. Anyway during the night he went to the bathroom to obtain some contraceptive and hiv protection. He informs me that he visited the toilets and attempted to purchase the item from the vending machine. After placing the money in the machine he pulled the slot to reveal no item. Numerous atempts were made with a nil result and nil refund.
He visited other toilets at the uni and found one other machine with the same result being no product and no refund.
Surely in the year 2006 the suppliers can install a machine that allows for a refund. Gordon this incident could produce tragic consequences for all involved.
Really these machines should be stocked regardless of the semester population.
Its a little like my experience with the washing powder vending machines in 'south tower'. All semester I have been attempting to get product out with no result and at times no refund.
I know the LSA is on Holidays (whilst Rome burns) but this is a serious issue for the two people concerned. Could you chase it up editor.

At 4:10 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the hell are those 2nd and 3rd comments?

At 1:35 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...



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