Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Brain Shake - useless thoughts (edited)

  • Another day of study for most at Bond Uni.
  • Dinner in the brasserie last night courtesy of the Culinary Critic - Matt Lorkin. He considered the food pretty average. But he did say this to me, "Last week the food was good. I think after a Bond staff member found that cockroach in their soup in the Princeton room, the cooking staff cleaned up their act, but this week, it's back to pretty average."
  • It was also a pleasure for's alcohol critic - Jack "Skuller" Blackburn - to join us half-way through dinner. When asked why he wasn't eating, he said something to the effect that he was 'protesting this shithole.' The Skuller enjoys swearing.
  • The Skuller also reported that he got his Admin assignment back. He did relatively well considering he went 900 words over the word limit (note: the assignment was only to be 1500 words).
  • Every morning it's a fight to get this one room at the Main Library. I've had to get here earlier and earlier. The German students are trying to take over the whole room. It's like my table is Poland....despite the fact that they told me they wouldn't take it, the next day they took it anyway.
  • If you haven't played Solitaire Showdown with someone on your MSN list yet - then don't. It's quite addictive. I used to "OWN" the players I played I'm slumping.
  • will soon be announcing a new critic to the blog. We won't give it away, but he goes to Bond Uni, he's an Armenian Canadian, and he smokes....but no other hints because we might give it away. You'll have to figure it out for yourself.
  • Breakfast
  • In a break from studying Evidence, my friend Tom told me that he doesn't really want to practice law long. He says, "I'll practice for five years, become and executive of a public company, and then later the CEO. After five years, the company will go belly-up, I'll walk away with $30 million and things will be cool." Interesting.
  • Thanks to the Bond Students Association for the free breakfast in front of Juicy Bits yesterday. The ever smililing Cait was giving out eggs, Will Ewing turning the sausages, Sam Marash was on everything duty as usual with his partner in crime Justin Tilley - Qu'une équipe!


At 3:56 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

(1)You are such a solitaire slut
(2)you're right you aren't on top of your game anymore

At 8:08 p.m., Blogger Denny Crane said...

Skuller just sent this email to register, regarding important student concerns and what he believe to be management of a university that is a joke, or equally bad to my grammer and spelling skills

What reasonable man would think that students may want to be in the law library on a Friday of week 13 to study for exams? Believe it or not Mr Finch but some of us do actually work at this university.

Those of us workers do not really appreciate having to listen over the irritating sound of freight machinery in close vicinity of the law library. On a building those of the majority of current students have/will face two fee increases for a building they won’t get any or little use out of.

Now if this was a first time one of thing I could perhaps let you get away with it but the irony in the plot is that this isn’t the first time is it, Last semester at the exact same time you put us student through the same dilemma to make sure the top of the buildings where clean for the Hon Howard's visit, a procedure not necessary, nor cost effective and arguably took heritage away from the buildings.

Me and other students presents are already betting on what its going to be next semester that will distract us during the most important week of the semester, I know what I'm putting my money on, your going to paint the arch building, Its not needed, a waste of money and will have to be done with the same annoying machinery, I've got you picked I reckon.

This disturbing act of events leads me more to the conclusion that this university has lost its interest in the common good, lost its interest in being a quality private university that cares for its students. Nowadays it’s all economical which is a tragedy really.

In the interest of helping you pick your game up I will contest the next student council election, to give the students a strong voice. I will also place the entire content of this email on my own and another website quite popular at this university in the interest of imposing a little scrutiny, accountability and student discussion.


Skuller will keep you updated on any communication updates, the LSA is now safe, the arch tower will now the warth of skuller unleashed on them, will they get skuller for going to fat, a good chance lol, but we need to bring the biff to these people. Skuller supporting the irresponsible consumption of alcohol

At 9:24 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Registrar and colleague have attended the Law Library and are onto the issue. The ever helpful Paul of the Law Library assisted. Alan Finch is a champion and is working on a solution. Its Coldelfa Constructions v NSW State Rail Authority version two. Gordon whilst you live the high life over in the main library your reporters are 'on the ground' in the law library covering the conflict. How about putting on a crew party to thank us editor. Some of your countrymen are not too impressed with your absence Gordon. I overheard one say 'The dean should sort this out" Another 'The dean doesnt run this joint Gordon does." Reply 'Yeh but now that the lsa president has bought him off to go quiet he is holed up in the main library living off Skullers meal card'.Reply 'so true my Canadian comrade'.


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