Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Having a quick chat with my friend Lakin this evening. He brought a little sunshine to my life. You see, Lakin is God-fearing Christian. He spends every Sunday in late mass at the Christian Community Church. So I tried to test him a little know, as I feel I am as close to one of the Lord's disciples as we have here at Bond.

I asked him a few passages from which I knew (from Google of course). He was able not only identify where the passage came from, but most of the time, he finished it off before I could.

I then asked him what section of the Trade Practices Act deals with unconscionable conduct?

He paused....and responded, "the Trade Practices Act aint gonna get me into heaven."

To which I had to agree...


At 6:57 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

You could argue the alernative, which is that the Trade Practices Act is relevant whereas the bible.....

At 6:58 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

gord the last time I saw or heard of dingo jesus was somewhere on the pacific highway....i thought you might have left him at fraser island....oh well he came back and found you. Make sure you don't leave Australia without him. You might have problems with customs but let me know and i'll have a chat to a few people. otherwise we've got two donated dogs and one cat...we'll take a dingo jesus

At 12:59 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

but the trade practices act may help get you to heaven, or is it as facestious as the bible.
I know cant spell but can bowl.
think about that!

At 2:07 a.m., Blogger Denny Crane said...

We need to get on the LSA's arse again, they have risen Club 20 prices by $2 a semester since they took office. The filthy rich and corrupt LSA are up to there old tricks

At 2:13 a.m., Blogger Denny Crane said...

On the area of trade Practices Act is it possible that the LSA and HSMSA have got together to create pararel price fixing, in direct contraban of the TPA and defrauding the students

At 4:07 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Skuller is crazy

At 4:44 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

jack, the trade practices act requires a corporation or another entity listed under the corporations act (i.e governed by federal jurisdiction under an express head of power by the commonwealth government).

I would have thought your superior legal brain would have realised this.

After you establish that the LSA is governed by Commonwealth Jurisdiction come back and formulate an argument.


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