Monday, February 12, 2007

Big Time

  • If you don't know who Al Pyette is, you should. He can be seen above. A former hockey star yes, a current golf star not so much - but it's a good finish in the pose. Al was drafted into the National Hockey League in 1973 by the now defunct California Golden Seals. See this site for Al's Hockey Stats from 1973-74. He once scored six goals in one game, which included two posts. Next game, he didn't touch the puck.
  • A trip to Sydney Australia involves taking 400 pictures of the Opera House.
  • Facebook is quickly becoming an addiction. But here's a pet peeve - people that add you as a friend, then don't say hi when you walk by them. What's up with that?
  • Jordo once said the crows were taking over the world. This video may be evidence that he is correct.


At 11:48 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a season for Al Pyette. In 1972-73 he had 5 goals, one assist and 58 penalty minutes in 27 games. Now that's a hockey player!

PS - Gord I'll be driving up north through your home town of North bay on Friday, then back through on Sunday. I'll be sure to have a beer for you at Fanny's.

At 5:18 p.m., Blogger The Dyce said...

What a beautiful swing.

Gord where's the link to Pyette's golf stats?

At 8:07 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have just shown khan in my plt course this clip;

now he understands why i yell KHAN at him every morning when i get into class!

At 5:14 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Gord;

That Joel is a clever man. How old is your girlfriend?

At 7:11 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blog is dead. Whatever happended to: Skuller. Emma. Bloomin Denoghuee. That crazy fuckwit the Culinary Critic. The Rich Bitch who carried on about her yacht (ie $2000 dinghy) and her impotent husband the "tax Lawyer"

At 7:18 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know the sheilas husband who skulls every drop of alcohol he can just to numb his brain from her simpering social climbing antics. I think even skuller got an invite out on the yacht (dinghy) after the Vitamin talked him into getting a haircut. Then there was that other (or was it the same numbskull) big noting fool who carried on about her family's 'fleet' of broken down 1960 jaguars. It was pathetic! But I love it every minute of their simpering pathetic big noting social climbing bullshit.

At 7:30 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know the sheila who carried on about her pathetic real estate holding on this miserable coast that wouldn't buy a rats nest in any major city in the country. But she is still out there rolling her vowels whilst the 'tax lawyer' hurries off to work every morning to get as far away from her as he can for the day. Returning after getting a heart starter of sixteen wines and a take away hearty bottle of red to face her for the night. Where is she and all those other crazy lunatics? Has the LSA website finally been 'fixed' by the LSA President who is now conducting a business on the campus. You guessed it it's IT!

At 7:33 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

When are the LSA elections? I want to elect a working president!

At 7:36 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it ok to start a relationship with a 16 year old schoolgirl who has contacted the University for some legal tutoring?

At 7:39 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

No its not on!

At 3:10 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Junk Yard Dog my hubby aint impotent and the real estate holding I was referring to has been valued at around one million and the yacht well I think it is worth a couple of hundread thousand or whatever. Our property here is only worth about half a million.

The 1960s Jags are cute and quirky and I love them dearly. BTW that is why we are leasing a series 5 BMW as our everyday car. My hubby isn'ta tax lawyer and while you mention it we had an argument about tax two night ago and I was right and he couldn't admit it. I told him I would do some research! My research proved th epoint and he has been eating humble pie ever since this time.

There is no social climbing element here I am not talking about visiting certain coffee shops in Melbourne or attending a particular private school.

At 4:37 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Whatever happended to: Emma. Bloomin Denoghuee. That crazy fuckwit the Culinary Critic. The Rich Bitch who carried on about her yacht (ie $2000 dinghy) and her impotent husband the "tax Lawyer"" - they smartened up.

At 4:40 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hook line and sinker. I love this.

At 4:31 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes it is true that some of us have smartened up. However, I feel sorry for Skuller who is obviously very sensitive about being invited to go sailing. Nevermind it was only a suggestion. In the past I have been sailing with other students from Bond and one of them even saved my life. In relation to property values on the Capricorn Coast they have increased dramically as areas in central Queensland now having a lot of money coming in due to the mineral resources boom. The resources boom in Western Australia has also seen an increase in property values as there is now a lot of wealth in that state too. I only wish I had bought a house in Perth just over 2 years ago when I had the chance. Nevermind.

The most expensive cities to buy property in are now:
Perth and

While regional areas in Queensland which are in driving distances from mines are also experiencing booms.

This will all mean nothing in Queensland if we do nothing about reducing our carbon emmissions as there will be no Barrier Reef left.

At 1:34 p.m., Blogger Denny Crane said...

I do not recall being invited to go sailing, I rember the point of discussion on the issue but did not consider the issue to be serious, knowing who the shit stirer is on this site and being good mates with him I took his side, Im up for sailing on the grounds fishing is allowed and alcohol is provided.

CQ is a shithole end story, dont go there

At 1:09 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you calling the Great Barrier Reef and the Keppel Islands a shit hole?

That is where I am going sailing in May after the exams.

At 6:46 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Definitely agree with you on the facebook comment...isin't that sad? People will make every effort to put forth the image that they're popular by raising their friend count on Facebook...but when it comes to acknowledging that person in real life (when it counts the most, mind you) they shy away. I just don't get it.

At 3:55 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

In relation to facebook maybe your friend:
a) Cannot handle the price of fame or;
b) Has been caught in a compromising position.
Let's face it we are all atlaw school to learn about the pursuit of the truth and some of us do not like what we see.

At 4:35 a.m., Blogger Denny Crane said...

See this fuckwit

"Let's face it we are all atlaw school to learn about the pursuit of the truth and some of us do not like what we see."

That has to be the stupidest thing I have read in a good while. You think the legal system is about truth and Morals hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha oh sry I got to go compose myself hahahahaha

At 6:58 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

You couldn't compose yourself if you tried.


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