Wednesday, April 04, 2007

The month that was....

  • Things have been busy at Bond University.
  • Seen here is something I've been meaning to do for sometime...and it's about time. Look at the right hand side of this link and you'll see what I'm talking about - Hint - it's one of the links.
  • Residence dinner held in the Princeton room was a great night. I was honoured with the task of giving the graduating speech. Skuller said I done good.
  • Madman Nate Weltman has hit rock bottom. He must be kept away from all gambling facilities....except the track.
  • Exams are in two weeks. Can't believe this is almost over. I think they're about to give me a degree. So what is the law anyway?
  • Matt "Champion" Lorkin is also a punting maniac. My advice on Florida winning March Madness was a great pick.
  • More to come later...


At 3:19 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahahh that's the DVD I gave you Gordie!!! hahahaha you crack me up, you told me you'd donate it one day and now you've got proof that you have! Love your work.

Come visit me in Sydney biatch

J x

At 5:13 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

You finally got rid of that rubbish. Congratulations, the first step is admitting you have a problem.

At 10:19 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck with the impending graduation I should be conferred too this semester.

I am now more motivated than ever to graduate after having my ears chewed off by this buffoon from the Minister's Office yesterday. Without going into the detail he was on my case about a non-urgent policy document which he didn't have the brains to work out how to open from our DRN. Meanwhile I am in the middle of a huge discovery process working 12 hour days inclduing weekends and every hour that God brings. I ended up delegating the task to a certain anally retentive senior lawyer ...I cannot wait until the day when I am either a Chief of Staff or Minister and I will put people like this moron in his place. BTW I am now on study leave yippee and I am very much looking forward to a visit from the Easter Bunny.

At 12:05 p.m., Blogger The Dyce said...

how will you leave your mark on Australia Gord?

At 9:49 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awwww Gordie now that you are going to be soliciting I had to tell young Kimberley about what happened to that nice lady Pauline Hanson. I said "...Kimberley look at me when I am talking to you now be careful after that experience that Pauline had with that Daivd Oldfield. You know David had to sit a lie detector test for telling fibs about his relations with Pauline. You make sure Kimberley that you have any evidence cryogenically frozen"!!!

At 5:46 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Playboy charges thrown out of court.

At 7:36 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I swear I am so sick of study I could just DIE! ... and what good are you Gord? The man who is supposed to entertain the masses? None whatsoever - that's what! Kill me now, it will be less painful.

At 6:51 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should be preparing your notes and not blogging!

At 7:41 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay here is some entertainment from the boys Chasers War on Everything:

It is v funny. Also don't forget that Spooks is on Friday.

At 9:39 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Chaser was not funny last night however there was an interesting story on the 7:30 Report:
In breaking news overnight there was a story about the appointment of Mr Michael Coutts-Trotter who has been elevated to become the Secretary of the New South Wales Department of Education & Training. Some people might ask why I am talking about a party apparatchik who has just been given a $400,000 per annum job as this kind of thing happens all the time. Yes well this is true. However, the difference with this story is that Mr Coutts-Trotter apart from having an unfortunate surname which sounds like an anatomical abnormality has a criminal record for being a heroine user and drug trafficker. There has been a lot of furor over his appointment by teachers, parents and bureaucrats. While the supporters of Mr Coutts-Trotter say that he should be allowed to redeem himself instead of carrying around a ball and chain forever. Sure I can appreciate this sentiment and as part of Australia’s convict history you can see why a Government Minister saw fit to give this guy a second chance. However, the jury is out on this one and as a seasoned Press Gallery journalist pointed out it is fair enough that Mr Coutts-Trotter has “done his time” but that so has Mr Alan Bond and that this doesn’t mean that he could be appointed as the Secretary of the Department of Treasury. At best Mr Coutts Trotter is perhaps an example of a disproportionate approach by the spin doctors from Sussex Street in Sydney to smooth over his image for the benefit of his spouse of Tanya Plibersek MP, the Federal Member for Sydney. Indeed if Mr Coutts-Trotter is allowed to be the Secretary of the largest education system in Australia having convictions for drug trafficking in heroin does this mean that Chapelle Corby who is doing 20 years in Bali for importing marijuana will be the first female Prime Minister when she gets out.

At 9:39 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Chaser was not funny last night however there was an interesting story on the 7:30 Report:
In breaking news overnight there was a story about the appointment of Mr Michael Coutts-Trotter who has been elevated to become the Secretary of the New South Wales Department of Education & Training. Some people might ask why I am talking about a party apparatchik who has just been given a $400,000 per annum job as this kind of thing happens all the time. Yes well this is true. However, the difference with this story is that Mr Coutts-Trotter apart from having an unfortunate surname which sounds like an anatomical abnormality has a criminal record for being a heroine user and drug trafficker. There has been a lot of furor over his appointment by teachers, parents and bureaucrats. While the supporters of Mr Coutts-Trotter say that he should be allowed to redeem himself instead of carrying around a ball and chain forever. Sure I can appreciate this sentiment and as part of Australia’s convict history you can see why a Government Minister saw fit to give this guy a second chance. However, the jury is out on this one and as a seasoned Press Gallery journalist pointed out it is fair enough that Mr Coutts-Trotter has “done his time” but that so has Mr Alan Bond and that this doesn’t mean that he could be appointed as the Secretary of the Department of Treasury. At best Mr Coutts Trotter is perhaps an example of a disproportionate approach by the spin doctors from Sussex Street in Sydney to smooth over his image for the benefit of his spouse of Tanya Plibersek MP, the Federal Member for Sydney. Indeed if Mr Coutts-Trotter is allowed to be the Secretary of the largest education system in Australia having convictions for drug trafficking in heroin does this mean that Chapelle Corby who is doing 20 years in Bali for importing marijuana will be the first female Prime Minister when she gets out.

At 8:33 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly, Gord you are advertising Crikey and Chirstian Kerr's article about the dawn service. Here is what the crew at Sunrise had to say about the broadcasting of the Dawn Service from Vietnam.

Sunrise denies claims over dawn service
By 7News
Executive Producer of Sunrise, Adam Boland, says the program has no plans to broadcast any Anzac Day dawn service from Vietnam and never asked for the official service to be moved.
News Limited papers this morning claimed that Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd and staff at the Channel Seven show had asked for an earlier service to coincide with the peak morning TV ratings.

In a statement to the media Mr Boland said the program is already committed to broadcasting a live service taking place at Elephant Rock on the Gold Coast with the full support of the RSL. ADVERTISEMENT

"We're already committed to broadcasting the Elephant Rock service from Currumbin Beach on the Gold Coast," he said.

"These plans were locked in well before the paper went to print."

Mr Boland also said that Sunrise had been earlier considering a live broadcast from Long Tan as part of their Anzac Day coverage, but not the official service.

"We met with Vietnam veterans who wanted us there as a way of highlighting the sacrifices made at Long Tan."

"Sunrise never asked for the official service to be moved - nor do we believe Kevin Rudd or Bronwyn Bishop did."

"Given time differences, we had been considering a separate tribute put together by the same group of Vietnam veterans we'd been meeting with. These much smaller services are apparently held year round at Long Tan - and aren't staged for cameras."

He also said that it was unlikely the project would go ahead this year because of logistical and cost obstacles.

"It's a shame the story was blown way out of proportion."

Mr Rudd also issued a statement that the reports were "absolutely false and without foundation".

"Neither I, nor anyone from my office, has spoken to or had conversation with anyone whatsoever about requesting the changing of the dawn service time at Long Tan in Vietnam or anywhere else," he said.

At 1:49 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...


I retract my comments in relation to Coutts-Trotter having no tertiary qualifications which has been widely reported in the press. It has finally been revealed today that he has a degree in journalism. Michael Egan the former Treasurer has described this as being outstanding in terms of his academic credentials for the job. You have to be kidding! The way they are carrying on you would think Coutts-Trotter had a PHD or degree in Medicine. Also the notion that he was a merit appointment is laughable when the position was never advertised.

Also revealed today is that Coutts-Trotter was a scholarship boy from Riverview the most exclusive Catholic Boys school in Sydney. It is hardly a story of rags to riches. Sure the guys dad died when he was 12 years old and he started taking heroin and then became a dealer and trafficker. Excuse me but this kid was hardly roughing it in the slums. Although it comes as no surprise that the Ministers who have promoted went to the same boys school. Kevin Rudd’s dad died when he was a kid and he has been hammered by the press for his incorrect memories. However, Rudd didn’t become a drug pusher which is what Coutts-Trotter was if he was dealing and trafficking in narcotics. Obviously Coutts-Trotter does have brains if he was awarded a scholarship to go to Riverview. As a matter of fact my husband was offered a scholarship at both Riverview and Sydney Boys Grammar. There are a lot of children who lose parents through death or divorce and don’t resort to becoming drug traffickers.

I note that the press are also saying that Bob Carr supported his appointment. The appointment Bob Carr supported in relation to Coutts-Trotter was a Press Secretary role in 1995 when the story first came out. There are also inconsistencies in his story as we told he had an 8 year record of achievement in the community sector and he was charged in 1984 and convicted in 1986 for three years. So somewhere between 1989 and 1995 Coutts-Trotter worked in the community sector unless we are also including the time between jail from 1984 to 1986.

While our former Prime Minister Bob Hawke may be a reformed alcoholic it is a far cry from being a drug trafficker. There are some people who might recall too that one of Bob Hawke’s children became addicted to heroin. Yes we all make mistakes and people should be allowed to redeem themselves however, I am still of the view that Minister Della Bosca has gone too far in this case. After all the job as Press Secretary is hardly a bad position for a journalist albeit a former heroin trafficker.


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