Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Squash's Rag Tag Meets the Best

Apparently we now have a squash team at Bond University. And apparently our commissioner thought he'd get a coach. Now I wanna make something clear...we are all shit. Sure we are better than the average guy, but nothing to write home about. And secondly, we aren't even in a league, just our 16 person squash ladder of which only 6 people play on it.

So who does our commissioner get to coach us? Brett Martin. Who you say? Well...see the picture above. Here is Brett Martin (left) playing Jansher Khan, the Wayne Gretzky, Micheal Jordan, Shayne Warne, Wally Lewis, of Squash. While Brett claims he never beat Khan, he was ranked #2 in the World in 1994. If you didn't read that right the first time...Brett Martin was ranked #2 in THE WORLD.

Now he can claim the title of coach to the rag tag bunch of squash players from Bond University.


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