Thursday, March 02, 2006

The Gum incident...

Before my Land Law tutorial yesterday, something happened that I am sure happens to all of us. My Australian friends James and Bernie were having a smoke. James is in my tutorial, so I was waiting for him. After their smoke I offered them both a piece of gum, knowing that they may want some of the minty freshness of Extra Winterfresh gum. They both responded, "yes please." I offered the pack over to them to take out for themselves. James was finished when he passed the pack to Bernie. I watched Bernie take the gum from James, and when he took a piece out and I was ready to take the rest of the pack back, Bernie went in for piece number two! Although I didn't say anything, I was astonished. What was Bernie doing? Was he saving a piece for later? Are you allowed to do that?
To make it worse, I saw Bernie later on in the day. He gave me a trifling smirk and a wave as I walked past, and as he was grinning, I saw him masticating on a small glob in the side of his mouth...I couldn't help but think....

I'm not quite sure what to think in this matter...please feel free to post comments on this issue.


At 4:17 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

CMAC Says:
You should've punched him out,

At 12:49 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would have ripped the gum right out of his mouth.

At 2:48 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clearly your fascination with mindless drivel has not diminished!

At 2:49 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now Gordo, can you even imagine who would "call you out" -- ie., the last post?

At 12:51 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taking two pieces of gum. Really, how rude. Gordon I do feel sorry for you. Fancy. What a selfish individual taking advantage of you kind gesture.

In fact this blog entry reminds me of a little story. I will share this with you and your readers. The alternative is dealing with this terrible weather outside. (on that note please stop raining)

....Once while studying hard with a friend in the law library (for those of you familiar with Bond the tables near the papers, with the reference texts and study tables). It was difficult to concentrate. Perhaps, because of the LOUD Canadians on the chairs who were generally being disruptive. Apprehensive to make such accusations we initially attributed our inability to concentrate to a lack of sustenance. Accordingly, my friend offered to head to Quix to rectify this. (For those outside of the GC Quix is a milk bar or convenience story.) Knowing me rather well my friend purchased a very large bag of Peanut M & Ms and a diet coke she also bought a Slurpy and some chocolate for herself.. This nutritious food was well received. Not wanting to be a greedy pig I decided to offer this very large bag of M&Ms around the area where we were studying. (I refused to walk around the corner on the ground floor as I was annoyed. These tables were completely taken over by those from the northern hemisphere and had resulted in my friend and I being forced to work in the most ‘social area’ of the library.) …. Most people took a few M&Ms and were appreciative. Those allergic to peanuts did not. Being the considerate person (I sometimes attempt to be) I even offered these M&Ms to the loud Canadians on the chairs. I feel sorry for them sometimes; being so far from home it must be tough. I am generally sorry for them until they open their mouths and spout garbage about Australia basing their assumptions on their very limited outings on the Gold Coast. They all took a few. Some of them said 'thankyou.' They were even silent while they consumed these treats. I like those Canadians most when they are either not in the library or are ensuring the library’s headphones are regularly used……. After procrastinating a little more my friend and I returned to study. We were working far more efficiently (presumably because of the sugar hit) until we were interrupted….A Canadian…and I will name him because he is not a baby and has a thick skin (at least he claims as much)…Gordon... …Gordon, decided that the few M&Ms he had taken from the packet was definitely not sufficient. He required more. Not very receptive to greedy people who ask for more I reluctantly took the packet and dropped a few in his hand (lucky this is not the century of Oliver Twist, otherwise goodness knows where he would be now, actually there was a rather nice ending to that film). Gordon started showing off and distracting us. Chatting generally to the two of us…the finer details of the conversation I can’t recall. There is probably a reason for this. (By this time I had replaced the packet on the table.) Before anyone knew what was happening Gordon took the packet and proceeded to empty it into either pocket of his shorts. I guess he was thoughtful as after taking ¾ of the packet he did leave five M&Ms in it. He thought this was hysterically funny. I thought this was horrific. I was perplexed as to whether I should ask him to return the M&Ms to the packet or just get over it and remember to not be so trusting with my M&Ms in future. Suffice to say Gordon thoroughly enjoyed his Crim A lecture (one of the few he actually attended) and I returned to my studies hungry and hoping someone soon would be heading to Quix.

In short, You Friend Bernie did nothing that you have not done. Replace gum with M&Ms and you are Bernie. I am you and you took far too many M&Ms.

I really don’t care anymore….i just don’t have anything better to do when there is a cyclone outside.


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