Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Debate, Pizza-gate, Law ball date, DB's flag football fate...

  • On my last post I mentioned that school debates don't usually accomplish anything in the heat of a campaign. This hasn't changed since the Law Student's Association President's debate last night. However, the Brendan Donoghue from the THINK team sure served as close to a knockout blow as this campus has seen in some time . It was Matt Cantatore's to lose last night, and he may have done that. But will anything change as a result? The Vitamin thinks not. The only way anyone wants to make some real gains may want to look to the "Vitamin's rules" to campaigning. I was happy to hear a few candidates ask for my support following the debate.
  • Speaking of following the debate. There was supposed to be free pizza for all following the contest. Unfortunately for most, a few unruly students left the debate early to "pig-out" as one observer noted, leaving no pizza for the others. Security cameras at Bond may uncover some students that hailed from North of Toronto, Ontario Canada (this person not included). Sam Marash vowed to get to the bottom of this issue. More to come...
  • I've chosen to go to the Law Ball. After last year's success where I was amazed at what the LSA could do, I just couldn't turn it down - despite the $90 price of the ticket. So far I don't have a date to the event. If you're interested in going with me please leave a comment on this page or email me at gordie_prisco@yahoo.ca. I'm looking for someone that has a nice personality - hahahahahahahahaha...
  • Last week was the first day of this semester's flag football league. Dave Bassett's team (he refers to it as HIS team) played the Local heroes (the brothers' diot et al) at Bond Uni field. After a spirited first half and with 6 minutes remaining, Bassett and CO. were heard chirping at their opposition with a 17 point lead. The trash talk was unbelievable, recorded one participater. I guess DB and CO. forgot about the old adage - let sleeping dogs lie. Cause before they knew it, they were down by one. Yup, the Local Heroes won the day with three miraculous Touchdown plays (I have no idea if the were miraculous, but for dramatic influence just go along). Following the game Bassett wasn't so chirpy. However, just as of recently Bassett had admitted to sources that he was chirpy and now the tables have turned. The Local Heroes have been rumoured to have crossed the common etiquette line of sporting banter. Will the Local Heroes make the same mistake? www.gordprisco.blogspot.com is anxiously awaiting the next game that may bring over a hundred fans to the game....or...maybe just the ref will be watching - and that's still a stretch. Anyway...this story is definitely developing...and www.gordprisco.blogspot.com will be there for every minute.


At 1:56 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll come big boy; can I bring the kids?

At 10:13 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

gord prisco "there for every minute" likely story...if you could make one day that would be good!


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