Sunday, July 16, 2006

Culinary Corner Update!

I just received the following email from Culinary Critic Matt Lorkin:


I have spoken to numerous people in South Tower (residence at Bond). These kids all had the same concerns about:
1. The renovations during semester
2. The state of the plates and cutlery at dons and lakeside

there is obviously a problem with the electric dishwasher over there.

Most of the people I spoke to just don't go to eat on campus at the moment despite being forced to pay for the ticket. Unfortunately, I am living below the bread line and have to.

I still have not received a reply from food and beverage yet (re my earlier email). Although I have noticed they now have an electric oven parked outside lakeside keeping the meals warm.

I have raised the plate issue with Darell at Don's. So I guess, if not anything else, I will be living off witness expenses for the next couple of years if a food poisoning outbreak occurs.


Lorkin has also recently told me that he is emailing Bond's registrar about - the food at Don's tavern, the dirty plates, Brendan Donaghue's lack of action/inaction on the food services, the food and beverage manager, and Jack Blackburn's health. Matt believes that Bond food and beverage has a duty to force Jack Blackburn at least one-serving of green vegetables per week.


At 12:40 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...


I think you should take up the "get Brendan Donaghue moving" campaign.

So far he hasn't updated the LSA website, he hasn't sorted out the food issues and he hasn't fixed the library hours - so what has the man done? He cleaned the microwave... that's it.
I'm beginning to believe his campaign was all puffery ... (I knew it then and I know it now - but I was in denial then and I'm not now) I want to know when he is going to start delivering on his promises and I think you are the man to find out.


At 6:42 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you guys kidding, the library hours are ridiculously long as it is. The Library is open from 8:30 am untill 11pm. If you studied that long you would be a genius. Get off your ass, do some work and quit bitching.

If you don't like it, goto a public library and get kicked out at 5pm.

Furthermore; food and beverage is not associated with the LSA in any way. Get involved in campus yourself and you will realise how stupid you sound.

Oh wait, you voted for Brendan because of a cup of coffee and a donut, you not only sound stupid, but you are....

Enough said

At 7:29 a.m., Blogger The Vitamin's Blog said...

Hey, we didn't say anything about the library hours did we?

Anyway, I am gonna defend my friend Brendan Donaghue at this point. He, and the rest of the LSA, are doing a great job. I kinda relate him to the guy in the link here...

Until they prove otherwise, i will support the LSA.

At 8:18 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous:
(1) the library hours are sufficient, if you need a 24/7 study space go to the batlabs or go home.

(2) Sorry about the food situation but it's not the LSA's job to represent resident student concerns to food and bev division.

By the way "D" and Gord, learn how to's Brendan Donoghue

At 8:21 a.m., Blogger The Vitamin's Blog said...



my bad.

At 8:25 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW I thought it was obvious that this was an attempt at mid term humour and highly amusing. Have a laugh you Brendan clone. Probably one of his yes people.

At 8:51 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm dont we get kicked out of the library on friday at 6pm and saturday and sunday ealier. Hmm anonymous is obviously Brendan or a clone who spends little time in the library.

At 7:04 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

The library doesn't open until 10am on the weekends. That's okay for mid semester - but around exam times it should open earlier. It would also be good if it opened at the same time as lectures start during the week (ie: 8am).

I don't care how he spells his name. All I see is inaction.

If it affects law students then the food issue is his concern. I'm not asking him to fix the issue (I realise it's out of his hands) but he can put some weight behind the complaints.

I'm not saying he is not a great bloke but he was elected for a reason - so lets see him make some changes.

At 7:32 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree the honeymoon season is over for whats his name (Brendan) he needs to remember the all that mumbo jumbo he came out with to get elected and stop hanging out at 'juicy bits' playing the good sort as if he was on the French Riviera

At 5:17 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is his name...can we have a post on this..???

At 7:01 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

A few clarifications in defence of our library.

(1) The library always extends its opening hours around exam time.

(2) The library closes at 6pm on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and not any earlier, as was suggested.

Also, why are so many people afraid to put their name on their posts??? Unless there are lots of people called d and anonymous...


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