Since this blog's inception, there have been many comments by friends and foes alike. At this time I'd like to share some of these comments - good and bad:"Futile, disturbing, but completley addictive," Rob Bartrop
"Keep it clean," - My Dad
"You idiot," - My Sister (not sure if she was commenting on my blog or just me in general)
"Mate, how about a barbecue this weekend?" Morgan Shipp - Land Law Negotiation Partner
"Not since George Orwell has North America been exposed to such insightful commentry and political discussion," Rob Bartrop
"Great blog" - Alex Lalka, Toronto political organizer extraordinaire
"I think you are stupid...Really who do you think you are...get out of the country," Anonymous (but a true comment to one of my posts)
"The blog has ruined the lives of people I know...mine included," Dave Lucenti (also known as Brother "ni" of the Diot of "I" of the Diot family)
"Its a nice crisp read. Just one thing though. Why is that guy missing his face?" The Wild Drunk
"Seriously guy, take me off that fucking blog," - Man Formerly known as the Unknown Student
"When I am extremely bored I like to take a chicken carcass and put it on my head like a hat. Sometimes I like to lather my body in peanut butter and lie in a park with lots of pigeons," Jordo
"Gord Prisco may well be the William Shakespere of the 21st century," Rob Bartrop
"You're gonna talk about what? What in good gracious is a blog? And no, there isn't a student discount on these things" Woman at supermarket who sells Roasted Chickens
Prisco your insightful commentary has led me to further ponder the meaning of life.
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