On Australia's hit TV show "Big Brother", a psychic predicts who is going to be evicted the next week. After the psychic predicts, a goat also points its nose to who it thinks is going to be evicted. The goat has a better prediction record thus far. Moral - don't go to psychics...or if you want to, but a goat.
a few comments on recent comments - those being comments on my posts: 1) if you want to hear about the Lucentis, they're in house #42 Sailfish cove. I hope they both get eaten by sharks...or...the wild drunk may kill them both...possibly me first though. Next Limo please...2)If you have been banned from this blog there's a reason. Please send $14.50 to unti 99 Sailfish Cove to have the ban lifted 3) My shoulder is healing faster than I expected.
Palaver is coming up soon (that's some kind of school party), it might even be this week.
Here you will find updates on anything and everything. One day it could be Bond University, Squash, The Wild Drunk, The Terrible Three, a roasted chicken (or many roasted chickens), The world's greatest hard rock band - AC/DC, North Bay News, Eggs Benedict Radio...you get the picture.
Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
you can't get cheap drycleaning in AU.
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