Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day

This is my Mom. Today is Mother's Day. I looked for a definition of exactly what Mother's Day is on the web today. I found this:

Mother's Day is a day for celebrating motherhood and thanking mothers. Mothers often receive gifts on this day, and it is a busy time of year for mail in many countries.

I'm in law now. Much of legal analysis has to do with interpretation and meaning. In the above passage it says that, "mothers often receive gifts on this day, and it is a busy time for mail in many countries."

Well if I can take a stab at this from a legal doesn't say mothers must receive gifts this day. Nor does it say anything that Australia is one of the many countries that is included in the busy time for mail, it just says many countries...could be anywhere else?

Ok, so it's a cop-out. Mom, the only thing I can offer today is something that is said at the beginning of the Mother's Day definition - a celebration and a thank you - to you.

My Mom has always stood behind me. She's like that teammate that everyone wishes they had. She'll stand up for you to anyone come hell or high water, even if you're wrong...and in my case, I usually was. I remember the time I was being a shit in grade 7 and had gotten in trouble for something or other. Well, the principle - Mr Wybrow, called her in. I didn't really know it at the time, but did she didn't let him put me down...she stood her ground, and fought my cause - He told me that later. Now....don't get me wrong, she gave me shit when I got home, cause I deserved it...but she stood up for me when it counted. We we're a team. To use a basketball analogy, I'd be the player who wasn't making any shots, wasn't playing great defence, wasn't giving it my all in practice...but she was the star player that kept passing me the ball, fought the coach to keep me in the lineup, and told the media after the game that I was an important part of the team. The perfect teammate.

Mom, I'm far away, and I miss you. I think I'm a better teammate now. I can probably shoot a little better, I try a little harder in practice, and coach would probably want to keep me in the lineup...but it's because of the best teammate I ever had.

Happy Mother's Day Mom.

Love Gord


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