Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Golf Day

  • Great to be on the course again today. Bob Lucenti (who is probably fleecing some poor soul in Canada right now) was replaced by Rob Bartrop as Marc's partner. The match was somewhat of a sideshow with Bartrop's antics. He was more concerned with if the Arizona Cardinals or the National Football League, would make the playoffs this year rather than with hitting his tee shot down the middle of the fairway. His constant talking may have been a tactic, and again if that was the case, I would refer him and his team member to the Royal and Ancient Rules of Golf and kthe section on etiquette.
  • I didn't need to eat a whole bag of M and M's tonight...
  • It was also nice to play another head to head match with Marc. Marc usually keeps score, and coming into the 18th hole he told me I was up one in the match. Well, he ended up winning the last hole and I thought we had tied the match...well it's a good thing I took the scorecard home. I discovered an error in Marc's mathematical skills. Turns out I won the match on the 17th hole. Guess I'll have to start keeping score myself after that innocent mistake.
  • If you're Canadian and you know who Michael Coren is, read the following Post article...the CBC is pathetic. I hope Stephen Harper straightens things out there.
  • Government shouldn't be in the business of owning broadcasting corporations. Know why? Cause they just become politicised and run poorly. Government should only run things that are crucial for the people it serves. The CBC could be sold and run better by someone else. The fact is that government rarely runs things well. I love Don Cherry and Ron Maclean, but taxpayers are paying for their salaries which average around $600,000 each. Make a choice...if you want to have that kind of service then privatise. But if you want a public broadcaster, then let it show amateur sport in Canada and doesn't cost taxpayers an arm and a leg (I know I'm all over the map here, but hopefully you get my point).
  • Steve Nash is a great player. Maybe one of the best point guards in history....definitely in the top ten all time.
  • Dave Lucenti is working on his golf game. He hit some better shots today, but like his idol David Duval, he may have lost his game altogether.


At 11:16 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gord once worked for the CBC. He was a makeup artist for Hockey Night in Canada. He got to powder Cherry's cheeks.


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