Saturday, June 17, 2006

The Law Ball...oh what a night...

  • Here's a breakdown of the evening....
  • The Law Ball. Held at Jupiters Casino in Broadbeach.
  • In the picture on the bottom - a few of my friends sitting at my table. From the right to left, Iain, Meghan, Ilana, and the Vitamin himself.
  • Appetizer soup and beer. Dinner Fish (Baramundi) and wine. Dessert wine and beer. - Matty starting to get drunk.
  • LSA Election results - a few shockers including Brendan Donaghue as president. Congrats to Ari and Brendan "Brother" Scandrett.
  • Welcome Nate to the the terrible three. Matt and I decided to kick Myles out for lack of terrible-ness. Nate can be seen in the 2nd from top picture on the left eating Erin's face. On the right you will find Brennan.
  • Matty still drinking.
  • The girls look fantastic....especially to Matty. How about me in the middle of the two lovely ladies Kate (left) and Becarra (right) 3rd picture from the top.
  • By the way, you will find Matty in the Top picture on the right. That was one of his better faces on the night. Beside him Samir.
  • Next was me shoving some pastry into a girls mouth so she'd shut her yapper! Did the trick.
  • Nice to meet Cait's sister Tori. Both stunners!
  • Della put the party on. She did a fantastic job. She knows how to throw a party.
  • All the former student council members are on stage. Tenny also goes up. Everyone gets some kind of brown envelope. He gets nothing. I'd be pissed if I were him. What was in the brown envelope?
  • We leave Jupiters to Melbas on the provided buses. Matty is now almost dead.
  • I see Jess in Melbas. I have a nice chat with her until the bouncer walks up to her to see her. Apparently she snuck a bottle of vodka in her purse. Bye Jess...Bouncer escorts her out.
  • I see Matty for the last time. I have had a few drinks, but this man looks like he drank all of Oktoberfest in one gulp. He mutters something incoherent....then stumbles off. I start to wonder if he will be alive by morning? He was...barely...
  • I was also almost dead. Left the bar by 5am.
  • That is all I have to say about that.


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