Monday, January 08, 2007


So I was spending some time at the beach today. The weather is beautiful, the water is warm....but then it hit me! Maury is on! So I grabbed my towel and boogie board and raced back. Lucky I got back. Click here to see just the kind of genius Maury is. Why is he never up for any of those TV awards?

I think in the next few days I am going to rank talk show hosts...


At 1:22 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are cruel Gord. I just came back from the pool to listen to Kath and Kim's favourite Michael Boobalay!

At 2:32 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goodness me anyone can FAKE one of those paternity tests that you see on extremist American television shows.
you just have to pretend to be someone else -
I did it
to somebody I hate
and it was a real doozy.

At 4:30 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

somebody very close to me once impersonated me you know. It is like this:"Since leaving school I have accomplished things the average person could only dream about. As well as inventing Post-Its, I am very, very successful at everything I do.
And I'm rich.
I'm very rich, and stunning.
You won’t find me on any extreme make over TV show!
I'm currently working for the White House as a Strategist and my department is planning a secret mission to the moon.
I'm a bit tipsy writing this as we are celebrating our achievements with Champagne (they couldn’t have done it without me of course!).
All the people I work with worship me and name all their children after me.
Look out for my 2007 calendar in which I will be modelling my own lingerie designs.
You could hang it up in your office and tell all your mates that you used to go to law school with me.

At 9:53 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

you left the beach, what, bloody unAustralian...........the beach....incedible .....for what. It's not cricket

At 10:33 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...


I have to give you full credit for your efforts of blogging over the summer when one should have been at the beach everyday having fun.

Today I have something to contibute it is an article from the Australian by Wallace who
re-introduces the word "Gadfly" to us when he is talking about that persistent blogger and pest Stephen Mayne.

Some undergraduates might well ask what is a Gadfly. Well here is the definition:a person who persistently annoys or provokes others with criticism, schemes, ideas, demands, requests, etc.

One of Mayne's sins is that he is anti-gambling and has described playing the pokies as being about as exciting as shoving 20 cent pieces up a cats bum.

At 11:19 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...


I thought that some of your undergraduate friends migh appreciate the article here it is:,20867,21030606-5006785,00.html

At 7:47 a.m., Blogger Nic said...

"boogie board" - given up already?

At 6:45 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...


Gord has given up his boogy board for the dolphins. You will love this story from Moscow.

At 6:59 p.m., Blogger Nic said...

That's hilarious - Dolphins on the attack.

What is it about drunks and New Zealanders that Dolphins don't like?

At 8:28 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...


It is quite simple really the Dolphins don't like the competition with New Zealand:,,1393630,00.html

At 8:46 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gord if you keep lying about things like going to the beach I'm going to de-friend you.

We both know you are scared of the sun, can't swim and the skin thats not covered by your clothes has never seen the sun.

Stop trying to be an Aussie.

Oh yeah, and you're a leader on pub crawl.

At 9:36 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just visited my Buddy Ben's website and saw this pic on it of my former front yard while I lived in Australia (Miami - Marine Parade to be exact) and went to Bond. It's a great pic and shows the sun rising from the ocean horizon. Anyways, it made me feel extremely jealous knowing that that's how things work down tehre while I'm currently living in Ottawa enjoying the effects of El Nenio (according to some climatologists at UBC) and have dark skies, rain, then snow, then slush, then freezing rain and wind.
In any event if you wanna know where the best waves are go visit and enjoy both the weather and the lifestyle.

PS - Gord for God's sake get some sun! hahaha...

At 11:39 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Global warming is definatley bad news and unless governments like Australia and the United States do something to reduce emissions we will lose our great beaches. Yes indeed ciuntries like Canada will not be Canada either without the snow. This year over the christmas new year period there was snow in Tasmania.

Apart from global warming the world is also facing a crisis with the immigration of refugees. It is not all bad news though as highly skilled people from devloped countries like the Netherlands are migrating to countries like Australia and Canada.


Tim Blair the blogger extroadinaire has this interesting article on his site:
Remember how Australia's international reputation was completely destroyed in 2001 by our no-messing-around response to illegal immigration? Here's a collection of typical views:

Our reputation abroad has changed dramatically for the worst.

Australia's track record in relation to asylum-seekers has now become an international scandal and a disgrace to our reputation as a country strongly respectful of human rights and dignity.

Our reputation as a people who believe in a "fair go" for all has been severely, perhaps, irreparably, damaged. Many of us, for the first time in our lives, are now ashamed of being Australian.

It is Australia's reputation that's going in the trash bin here, not just the rights of the asylum seekers. The rest of the world will see this as Australia acting outside international law and dropping Australia's great reputation for humanitarianism.

Our system of mandatory detention is cruel and a blot on our reputation for humanity.

Prime Minister John Howard didn't quite see things that way, telling an interviewer in 2002: "I reject this claim that our reputation's been damaged. I think people understand that we have taken action in a difficult situation that is wholly consistent with the right of this country to protect its borders."

And it seems he was right. Just ask Ellen and Peter Bles, who are among many Dutch leaving their country for Australia and other reputable nations:

An exodus of native-born Dutch in search of a new life abroad has reversed immigration flows for the first time since the post-war era.

Last year more people left the Netherlands than arrived as migrants or asylum seekers, even though unemployment remains low at 4.7 percent and per capita income is higher than any major country in Europe.

Lawyers, accountants, computer specialist, nurses, and businessmen are lining up for visas to the English-speaking world, looking to Australia, New Zealand and Canada as orderly societies where people have the space to breathe.

The new wave of "middle-class flight" has quickened this year following rising ethnic violence and crime committed by and against immigrants, and in response to fears that social order is breaking down. In the first six months there was a net outflow of 13,313 people.

Requests for visa information have exploded since the murder of Theo van Gogh, a Dutch film-maker and acerbic critic of Muslim views on women.

It's likely that Australia's reputation was enhanced by coverage of the illegals/refugees/asylum seekers issue. If this story gets wider coverage locally, expect the left to respond with something along the lines of: We're attracting white racists! Shame, Howard, shame!


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