Sunday, April 30, 2006

Today's Thoughts

  • Another terrible beating given on the golf course today by Dave and I over Marc and his father. We beat them in the team game 6 and 5 - which for those of you that don't golf means that the match was over by the 13th hole. In golf terms, a real beating. It was quite funny because they guaranteed victory before the match.
  • As an aside, I also beat Marc again. 4 and 3 - also considered quite a beating. It's the second time of three that I have won.
  • I'm reading Stupid White Men - Michael Moore's book on politics. It's not that good yet...I hope it gets better.
  • I haven't done my taxes - but I did my laundry.
  • Courtesy of Christine Hogarth I am now the proud owner of an AC/DC collector glass set. I remember an old friend of mine got me an signed AC/DC tour book from the Blow Up Your Video tour. It was also a great gift. Some things in life you'll never forget.
  • I went out with Rob Bartrop last evening. A thoroughly enjoyable night that I hope to repeat soon.
  • My roommate Pete just bought a new chair for his computer desk. He referred to his old chair as one that is often seen in the squared circle of the WWF being bashed over some poor wrestler.
  • Another golf match tomorrow. Maybe Mr Lucenti and Marc can put up a better challenge. The free beer at the end of the rounds are nice...but a little competition is more fun.


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