Wednesday, May 03, 2006

This has to be posted again

I can't stop watching Bobby Knight. Make sure to watch at least until the time he's in the sand trap for the second time.

On another note, and as requested, I will fill everyone in on the golf matches played between my partner Dave Lucenti against Marc and Mr Bob Lucenti (known cheat).

Due to a serious breach of etiquette by Marc and Bob, they have been disqualified from any wins as per rule 33-7 Royal and Ancient Golf Association of St Andrews.

Marc also breached rule 13-2 which states a player may not improve their lie by moving, bending a tree to create a stance. His failure to follow this rule resulted in a breach of rule
9-2(b)(i) giving wrong information about the score when an opponent is obviously proceeding under a Rule involving a penalty and this was observed by his opponent, and thus results in a loss of hole.

As well, Marc and Bob's repeated failure to give correct information about the number of strokes they had taken before the other team took their next stroke breached 9-2(b)(2) which also results in a loss of hole.

Further, Mr Lucenti breached rule 4-4(a) disallowing a player to borrow any club selected for play by any other person playing on the course unless it is his partner under 4-4(b). In this case Bob did this on the majority of holes played. THe penalty for this rule is a loss of a maximum of two holes per match.

In conclusion, Marc and Bob's serious breaches of rules caused them to lose every match played in. Therefore, victorious in Australia is the team of Dave and Gord. Congratulations to us.

Maybe next time our opponents will learn the rules.


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