Monday, July 17, 2006

The Library Update is close to the pulse at Bond University and around the world. Whether its a story about a two-legged super dog, or simply about the quality of the food on campus - our crack staff will be there. Our blog has credibility...hmm...wait. Ok, so we don't have that, but we've got guts (we will also take bribes to skew our stories). We're kinda like the this media source.


There is no exception in our efforts to get to the centre of the story than with the Library issue. This seems to be the hub of talk on that topic, and the staff at are proud to have been invited to a Library Staff roundtable this coming Friday at the Bond University Law School. Yours truly will attend on behalf of the staff. Here is a copy of the email they sent

Bond University Library

would like to invite you to attend


Friday 21st July 2006

Library Staff Tea Room, Level 4

Bond University Library

We will be at the heart of the issue on Friday. This little blog is really starting to get respect. This is what it must feel like when the New York Times is invited be present in peace talks between Israel and Palestine (but I bet in those talks there isn't a free lunch involved...suckers!).


At 7:52 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...


Ask them why (when people put "comments" in) nothing changes and the reply is always in the same format.

" we appreciate your comment ......
Bond University has been voted number one .... Bond University has the longest opening hours .... "

In other words - thanks for your comment, we know you don't like the current situation but we don't care and we aren't going to change a thing.

At 9:15 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could you please check out that 'whats his name' (Brendan) attends this meeting. I would like to know is he pressing the 'issues relevant to law students' with the same vigour as he did when he pressed for his election. Or has he taken his foot of the pedal as he winds down with attractive company down at 'Juicy Bits.'

At 9:45 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could you check out who is doing the catering for this function. It would be interesting to see where the Library is spending its funding. I suspect it may be a premium meal with appropriate quality coffee. Please dont be compromised by being wined and dined for a favourable review on this important issue. Your our last hope as the current President LSA whats his name (Brandon?) seems to have other priorities of late. Particularly interested if they put on the high end china (cups and saucers) and silver jugs etc.

At 10:49 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

do you need the prescription for your glasses up-graded. This email pertains to the Library. That is THE LIBRARY not the law libray. Everything is not about the law school. Perhaps you should concentrate on reading things properly, rather than straining to create controversy where there is none.

At 11:47 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a first time blogger and long time listener I am delighted that this site is finally getting some notoriety. Cheers to the Culinary Critic for drawing some much needed attention to pressing issues around the law school and the recent disapperance of our 'elected representitive'.

At 12:33 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heh. Whats his name ( Brondoon?) was not talking about demarcation of responsibility when he pressed me for my vote. Anyway the ever helpful Paul (Law Library chief) informs me that the meeting is for all libraries of Bond. Essentially it is a round table meeting. Just the place for whats his name (Brondoon) to pump up and press all the concerns we have attempted to communicate to him....

At 12:48 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am a first time reader. Love the Blog. Hope your culinary critic can come along to the Library round table meeting. Middle East peace talks won't be half as interesting :-)

At 1:01 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking entirely for myself it's not the length of the hours that's the problem - it's the timing of them. A quick look at other university hours shows that they are open when lectures start, close at 10 (on most days) and are open from 9-5 on the weekends.

These are less hours than us - but it would suit me better. Has anyone actually done a count to see how many people are in the library at 11pm?

Can we not have them close at 10 but open an hour earlier? That doesn’t affect their budgets as its the same hours. How many people would be inconvenienced? Same for the weekend. Don't extend the hours but shift the opening hours to more practical times. Exams times require longer opening hours (in the morning as well as late at night).

What issues do others have with the opening times? Is it just me that has a problem with the morning opening times?

Can you also talk to them about the room booking problems.


PS love the blog ...

At 2:19 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just showed this site to Sam Berry. I know I should get his permission before quoting him but what the hell. He found the site extremely relevant and was last seen rolling around on the grass outside that place that whats his name (Brodgoon?) wont help us out with appropriate opening hours with. What a great suggestion by D re the change in hours. I know you have not been elected Gordon but would you mind taking that up at the meeting.

At 2:28 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree 8.30am is too late to open. Library should be open at 8AM - Gord we are relying on you and your staff to bring this up at your "lunch" with your friends in very high places. The future of the law library and the world rests on your shoulders. Good luck on your mission. Stay safe and if you don't come back alive we will hang an empty bag of m & m's from the law library entrance in your memory.
Remember Gord the great words of Napoleon Bonaparte "Death is nothing, but to live defeated and inglorious is to die daily.”

At 2:34 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen Brandon Denahue (LSA President) really needs to take control of this matter. d and Gordon have come up with a great solution. Where is the LSA President on all this. I am going down to 'Juicy Bits' to get this sorted with him I dont care how pretty the girl is he is talking to I am getting him back on track.

At 3:03 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear that Gordon will be attending the meeting to support the views of the law school students, unlike our duly elected LSA president who apparently isn't even aware of this issue. I must say however, that it is unfortunate that the only way to get some attention around this place is in this blog. Isn't that what the LSA is for. From what I understand there has been some ongoing concern about the hours of operation of the library but the LSA has failed to take any initiative and hold a forum for students to voice their concerns.

At 3:15 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quick the president just arrived. Present; Gordon, Hanson LSA President Deenahoe and the other LSA Brendon. Lorkin on minutes.

Concerns of Library open hours put to President and other Brendan LSA. Basically a non issue for them. Told Gordon to take it up. Then they raced off to LSA meeting. Typical inaction and ignoring of a current issue. Breening President informed me he was still on my food issue ( raised earlier on this site)

At 5:15 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

people just give lip service to this blog. what has the team at actually acted upon. Full of hot air. Spends more time tell people what they have done and what they can there evidence he has actually done anything that he is complaining about. fine this blog provides a forum but is staff are just lazy

At 7:46 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

remember the sorbonne in 68, revolution but then this is 2006.
Lets have a meeting that will placate the bastards, it's not a Whitlam Goverment and you can't get a free education. So get your money back, or take it to the courts, uni and revolutions are over. Its all blogs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At 8:03 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has this site been shut down.

At 8:08 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the token president being paid. Paid meaning any financial advantage at all?

At 2:29 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blog has been added to this collection...

Bond University Community in the blogging bondies section.

At 11:08 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good feeling here... solid pressure being exerted. it's time for the leaders to show their cards...


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