Thursday, August 03, 2006

Reports Cards are in.....

As the end of the semester nears, students have been receiving grades. Good and bad, it's always interesting. We at be honest...I'm not sure what we believe here?

Anyway, this is what's been done. has solicited the opinions of a few others to create the first of many Bond Law Student's Association Report Card. A range of factors have been considered, but there is no real scientific formula used in considering the grades. In fact, I think we decided over some french fries and gravy in the brasserie.

So here it is:

Sam "the Big Easy" Berry (Publications Director) - Sam is a people's man, who has an easy-going nature. It's possible Berry could have big things in his future, but we also think it's not in him to seek the limelight. He quietly goes about his business and gets the job done. One unnamed staff member of had the pleasure of speaking with Berry over drinks at Don's Tavern this past Thursday as well as during his LSA open office hours. Not a bad thing could be thought of for Berry. Furthermore, he took charge his first week on the LSA and got limes for our Corona's for Club 20 - pure genius. For his efforts A+

Will Ewing (Competitions) - A favourite of the grading committee. Although, there was disappointment last week. The Client Interview Competition was held at Bond Uni. The LSA does a fantastic job holding these events with the help of the law faculty. The finals of these events are usually a well attended event because of the competition and the free pizza. It's nice to celebrate the best we have. However, the final for the Client Interview Competition was held at 4:30pm - not its usual 6pm time. LSA members were scrambling to get anyone in the room to see the finals. The attendance was scarce at best. However, notwithstanding this mistake, the grading committee sees big things for Ewing, so we're giving him C+

Matthew Hooper (Vice-President) - The "bright light" of the LSA has been dim so far this semester. We assume he's been active on files, yet he's not as visible as other members (although he gave a thorough beating to Sam Marash in the Fight Night last evening). We just expect more from Hooper. He's held to a higher standard. For this reason we're giving him a mark he has probably never ever ever ever ever seen before (and plus, we're the only ones who can, without substantial justification, give him such a mark) - C

Brendan "Brother" Scandrett (Academic Affairs) - Scandrett is a newby to the political scene. Not quite as polished as Berry, but he has certainly given it his all. He fought a hard race in the election (which rumour has it he won by two votes), so he's had a lot to prove. The committee thinks he's been up and down thus far. His emails to students re: tutoring seminars are fantastic. However, his choice to wear tank tops (singlets) around school leaves something to be desired (ok fine, so we didn't have much else to say so we said that). The kid is on the ball. The committee decided to give Scandrett a lower grade, but because he kicked my ass in fight night, the staff at decided to up his grade. B-

Michelle Smith (Treasurer) - Because there hasn't been a budget yet, it's hard to give the Treasurer a fair grade. However, there have been no rumours of Club 20 money being embezzled, therefore the committee has decided to give Michelle C+

Tristan "the Real Deal" Blom (Secretary) - While so much was expected out of Matt Hooper, it wasn't known what was to be expected out of Blom. But the verdict is out - this guy is the real deal. Our sources tell us he's the glue that keeps this LSA together, or the rudder that is keeping this ship in the right direction. I'll use this analogy - Led Zeppelin was a great rock band. Guitarist Jimmy Page was the face of the band along with vocalist Robert Plant. However, the true genius of Led Zeppelin was drummer John Bonham. He was one of the best ever, but didn't get all the credit that the others did cause the drummer's always in the back. But maybe Bonham is a bad example cause he died early? get the point. A++

Ari Comert (Special Interests) - Ari's job is to make student's feel welcome at the school and serve minority groups. Well....he gives out more of his cigarettes to people than a dispenser. And he's Armenian Canadian/Brazilian/Cuban/whatever else he wants to be that week so in serving himself, he's serving minority groups I guess? But seriously (something we rarely are here at, Ari came in with low expectations but is proving to be a quick study. His outgoing nature serves him well, and will serve the collective at Bond in the coming few semesters. A-

Tom Clarke (Social Director) - The school was taking a big chance electing Tom. Here's a guy who apparently hadn't touched a drop of the sauce in his life prior to Uni games. How can you be social director without having touched a drop of the grog? Yet, he's been gold for the LSA. One of his more public moves was with Club 20. A concerned student, who just happens to be on the staff, mentioned to Clarke that considering we're in Australia, it would be nice to hear some Aussie tunes. For most people, they'd listen, blow some hot air about doing something, and then do nothing. Well, Clarke proved us wrong. He responded - and acted. The very next Club 20 we were hearing the likes of Cold Chisel, The Choirboys, INXS, Kylie Minogue, the great AC/DC, and many others. If this is the kind of go-getter attitude that's gonna continue, then Clarke has big things on the horizon. A-

Trevor Burgis (External Affairs) - Burgis is worth his weight in Gold. Juggling duties both on the LSA and CLSA, he has been as good of a communicator as we all expected. He hasn't lost his stride since the campaign. If there's an issue that needs to be answered, Burgis is known for his straight shooting style. He'll give you substance - not spin. The one knock on Burgis is that his days of skulling beers seem to be over. It was seen at one time that he could compete with Skuller Blackburn in a skulling competition, but those days seem to be behind him (some say for better, others say for worse). We won't hold it against him. A+

Brendan Donoghue (President) - No President has had to deal with being held more accountable than this President. Every move he makes is being watched and reported on. An underdog going into his campaign for presidency, he led 50 per cent of his team to victory...some only got in because of his popularity at the polls bringing them higher (we have no real proof of this, but we're gonna say it anyway). There have been some successes and some letdowns thus far. Some of the letdowns have been the inability to do anything concerning our Culinary Critic's (Matt Lorkin) concerns about the food in the Brasserie (even though it's not even close to his jurisdiction). Or the rumour that now that he's been elected, he's taken a corner office in the Law School. But the fact is this - he's visible, he's accountable, and thus far he's taken action on his platform (we're not really sure if he has or not, but it sounds good. Nobody remembers what his platform was anyway). He is slowly shedding the reputation he's got for blowing hot air and not acting. An unnamed member of council confided to one of the staff at that they are impressed by what he brings to the table. They thought he had nothing, but has proven even them wrong. Let's hope he keeps it up. B


At 10:01 a.m., Blogger Denny Crane said...

These are very generous marks, no one failed and skuller is disapointed. Working in conjunction with cullinary critic Matt Lorkin the Brasserie report card will soon be released.

At 10:22 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gord, come on! are you serious! has failed to tackle the real issues here. To much fence sitting detracts from the validity of your blog. Get dirty. Throw some accusations around. Its time to make the LSA squirm.

Gord Prisco F

At 9:14 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with Ackbar - make them squirm. This blog has lost all credibility. We want scandal...that brings credibility, i think?

At 2:26 a.m., Blogger Denny Crane said...

I respect your comment fellas but i think its grossly unjust, to throw accusation and bitch about the LSA they must first do something, the only creative thing theyve come up with of late is a complaint box, can i hear your appualse . . ., no righto then

At 3:32 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why dont you just give everyone an A. No one has done anything wrong. These grades are way too generous, Im with the Skuller on this. You have sold out Vitamin, you are worse than the Toronto Star or Fox News...shame on you. Get the real story out, get nasty, no one likes a media outlet that is just in it to make friends.

At 5:30 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am cooling my heels in Culinary Corner editor. You need me back on current affairs. Not only that but I am blowing up like a balloon on the gravy train at Culinary Corner. How's this for starters I witnessed the event involving x being pushed by y that you refuse to publish.

At 5:37 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was the most despicable act I have ever witnessed.

At 10:01 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give blackburn a report card; weekly marks for behavior, language, spelling mistakes, personal hygiene, footwear choice, odor etc.

and then fail him every week


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