Sunday, July 30, 2006

"I'd like to drink with Duncan..." - 7 Questions

In the face of blogging competition at Bond Uni, the staff and board of directors of have decided to take to this little blog to a new level. We'd like to call our new feature "7 Questions." From time to time we will attempt at interviewing celebrities around the University, and what better way to start our new feature than to get a Bond Celebrity on board - Dean of the Law School, Duncan Bentley.

Duncan has graciously given some time to CEO Gord Prisco to answer these questions. Without further ado, here they are:

1) Could the Dean on the Bond Law School win the Australian TV show Big Brother? And what would be the tactic be if so?

Easily. I would offer the other contestants AWAs to work at the newly refurbished Don's Tavern. They would be fighting to spend time working with the good looking, amazingly intelligent and socially aware Bond students and would be begging to be voted off. The TV audience would rush to Don's to see what all the fuss was about, leaving you to vote for me to win.

2) Who is the greatest Canadian Hockey player ever?

I didn't know Canadians played hockey. The Australians play hockey and almost always win. Canadians dress up in strange costume and do something on ice with funny shaped sticks and an odd little ball. At Don's Bond students play pool with long sticks and lots of coloured balls. Late in the evening the balls appear to move around the room and change colour as you watch.

3) Many students have just completed a big Equity assignment and are about to write the exam. Most are struggling with the course. Could you answer this question to help some students further understand this difficult course?:

James is the sole beneficial owner of a pork chop made at the Brasserie at Bond University in June 2006. Matt Lives on campus and is hungry. Rob is a washed up Rugby player and is James' attorney. James phones Rob and tells him that he would like to pass 1/2 ownership of his pork chop to Matt. James tells Rob to call Matt immediately to tell him that he has 1/2 ownership of the pork chop. Rob makes this call to Matt and tells him that he now is the owner of the pork chop. James then calls Matt and asks him if he wants some gravy for the chop. Matt replies that all he wants is a clean plate. James has taken a bite of the good part of the pork chop and is now claiming the transaction for the chop is not valid. What is the likely result of this situation?

I can certainly give you some advice on the tax consequences of this transaction. As you are a Bond student I will reduce my fee to $500 per hour. You may make an appointment with my secretary. I should warn you that you the Australian Taxation Office will take a very dim view if you try to use fake names to cover up your part in this transaction. If you have any thought of sending the pork chop to any other party via a tax haven we will need to look at both the Canadian and Australian consequences and my fee will double.

4) In 50 words what is a typical day like for Dean Duncan Bentley?

Wall to wall meetings 7 am to 7 pm interspersed by kissing a few ships and launching a few babies. Recently I have taken to answering ridiculous questions sent by email on my holidays.

5) Rugby League? Union? Cricket? Or AFL?

Cricket in summer, Union in winter. I don't know to what the psychobabble in the rest of the question refers.

6) What is your favourite Australian Rock Band and Roll Band? (your answer may be, but does not have to be limited to, any band that starts with AC and ends with DC)

Bach was a band in himself. In his time he was considered rock and roll. If Australia had been a migration spot at the time he would have been a Gold Coaster. But if your question is serious I cannot go past the Wiggles.

7) Your best advice for succeeding at Bond University?

Work very hard; make the most of every opportunity; make opportunities where they don't already exist; enjoy yourself - this is university; plan ahead so you can fulfil your dreams after Bond; and whatever you do don't plagiarise.


Thanks to Duncan for being a good sport.


At 6:59 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want my pork chop

At 7:02 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Duncan, for the love of God do not pay attention to this blog! It will be the end of you...

I am begging with you.

Hockey is played with sticks and skates and on ice. And the Greatest is Robert Orr

At 7:04 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Duncan, you look like one of the wiggles...

Fantastic stuff

At 7:25 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which wiggle do you think duncan would be...i've heard high five are far more entertaining...blokes actually enjoy taking their children to these shows! I think it's kelly that's the attraction. Perhaps the Dean should expand his musical horizons.

We do approve of bach! far more tasteful than AC what is BC or something...

At 8:24 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the way this is going, another brilliant decision by everyone at

At 1:19 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you canadians ever get it right. From memory the words of the song you are attempting either to copy or paraphrase (in the latter instance obviously the following comment is not relevant) but are the words not:
"I'd love to have a drink with duncan cos duncan's my mate"

At 7:23 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re your discussion on eggs being better from the barn as they are professional layers as opposed to free range. And your informative information that barn laid are labelled as free range anyway. Check this out.
Its all a scam stick to the barn laid.

At 11:24 a.m., Blogger Denny Crane said...

I am reffering to the anonymous comment that appeared just before my last comment.

I believe you to be an unintellegent fuckwit for the child band that has Kelly in it is actually hi5, although on a tangent Charli is way hotter. But a person like your self probably have homosexual desires for members of the wiggles, my question is what is it about Goeff that does it for you.

As for your finding on music, you have gone out of your way to prove the unintellegent fuckwit you are, ACDC are the greatest band there is and that will be the end of the matter.

Gord i know that in the past i have spoken out and advocated for such freedom of speech on this blog but if dickheads like that are going to make auch basskess and defamatory remarks i ask there comments be with held.

Skuller supporting the irresoinsible consumption of alcohol

At 11:40 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...


Denis telephoned me yesterday, and asked that I deliver the following answer to you for the sole benefit of Duncan:

1) There is no such thing in law or equity as a “sole beneficial owner”. One could either be a “sole beneficiary” or a “sole absolute owner”, but not a “sole beneficial owner”!

2) If James passes “1/2 ownership of the pork chop” to Matt, then this will not create a trust relationship – it is a mere assignment of a personal chattel. There is no declaration of trust here. Accordingly, James must either deliver the Pork chop to Matt with the intention of making a gift, or, execute and deliver a deed of gift in favour of the Matt (Cochrane v Moore). The phone call to Rob could be construed as constructive delivery of the Matt’s share in the chop. Thus, at best, James and Matt are tenants in common of the pork chop!

At 12:42 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

And thus it is confirmed- Will Fennell's sexuality is not the same as the rest of us.

At 7:01 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I refuse to share my pork chop with james and I want the 1/2 he consumed removed from his gut.

At 7:31 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never! Go get your own pork chop you cheap bastard!

At 6:26 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

anonymous - are you implying that that you are homosexual and will differs from you?


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