Friday, September 29, 2006

Here comes the Sun?

  • Another Palaver come and gone. Same old same old (which isn't a bad thing). It's always a shame (although funny at the same time) to watch girl after girl get there heels caught in the patio cracks outside. Don's tavern isn't quite The Four Seasons' bar. But another good event put on by the Bond University Business Students Association. It is continually the event of every semester. Good choice not to go to the Bedroom nightclub after (even though "The Drink" isn't much better).
  • Here's a tradition I don't want to with the lovely Kate and Becarra. It's become a tradition of a many semesters social events. I've got this picture about 20 times over in other social events....and it's a great picture....
  • Bond University elections just around the corner. We here at will have a full analysis of all the races and early polls, but as of right now we're calling the early races to watch to be for - The secretary position between Mike Truce and Sadia Stathis and Campus Life Director with three challengers including Laz Christou, Cameron Dibble, and Jack "The Skuller" Blackburn (three candidates in a race like this can cause havoc for the favourite - being Christou. Look for a possible upset here).
  • supports the more sunshine and consistent weather for the Gold Coast. While we sometimes have influence in the affairs of the "goings-on" at Bond University, we're not on good terms with the man upstairs, even though we have pretty good evidence that he reads the blog. Look for me to get hit by lightning later on today.
  • Oh and by the way, Con and I have started a band with the help of James (we had to include him cause he's the only one with a car. We need to get to our gigs somehow). We've only had one practice (that lasted for about 20 minutes), but we've got some song names and a temporary band name - Melee. I wrote a the lyrics to a great song last night...more to come on this story later.
  • Tough fight for album of the week this week. But, I chose U2's Achtung Baby The 1991 release topped the Billboard charts for a while. It marked U2's departure (or foray) into a more guitar "effects based sound. The Vitamin usually doesn't like how artists use technology to aid their sounds, but when it's done on a smaller scale, and done with such genius as "The Edge" does on this album, we respect that. Until the end of the World and Ultra Violet (Light my Way) are favourite tracks.
  • Last thing is this important addition. I always knew there was a copy of the full Toronto Rocks Sars Concert out there - I was told a friend of a friend had it. They put out a double-disc DVD, but it only included two songs from AC/DC. Anyway, other performances from that day when 490,000 people packed a toronto airfield have begun to appear on the net, most notably YouTube. Here's the link to the encore song done by the world's greatest hard rock band from that day.


At 10:41 a.m., Blogger The Dyce said...

Thanks for the SARSTOCK videos.

What a great show. ACDC definately stole it from the Stones.


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