Monday, October 30, 2006

Mistakes are fixable...

I just got the following email (seen below). Great idea by food and beverage to hold an event like this. But guess what - Club 20 is on this Thursday at the same time. But then I thought to myself, no problem, Anthony Spegel and Danielle Sheppard down at Food and Beverage must have had a conversation with Student Council about this event - they must have? Neither Bronte Campbell - our social director (also known as Bronte's brother), or Matt Cantatore - our student council president, were informed about this.

Why does food and beverage insist on competing with student run events like Club 20?

I am sure they can fix this mistake. If their intentions are good, they will.

Welcome back

Don’s Tavern

We would like to invite you to join us between

5.00pm - 7.00pm

on Thursday 2nd November

for drinks, nibbles and entertainment

Come and see the changes and have a catch up with friends

Please RSVP to Danielle Shepherd

on ext 55067 or by

Wednesday 1st November


At 3:30 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you have to RSVP?

At 4:02 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have to let them know if you are bringing your handbag along.

At 8:22 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

typical bond food and bev, they have absolutely no idea, whats the entertainment? tony doing some stand up

its cure for insomnia

At 1:56 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Owner of Blog...I am longtime reader first time commentor. I have an issue of which I would like to see some response. I feel the blog with its recent popularity can effect change here at BOnd. HEre is the issue. Each day when Juicy Bits closes, the employees power wash the ground outside. It has been my understanding that Australia has a water shortage problem. I witness commercials concerning this very serious issue every night on the tube.

This is a blatant waste of such a precious natural resource. Someone needs to teach lazy Australians what a broom and a little elbow grease can do?

Owner of Blog, please get on this issue. I am worried about the wombats survival


I.P. Freely

At 6:41 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree it does seem a bit unecessary especially as the paving around the university is cleaned with a machine daily.

There are water restrictions and you might find that Juicy Bits are in violation of these regulations. I suggest taking some photos and handing them over to the local council that is the kind of thing I would do you know.

I don't know about Australians being lazy I think it is probably more to the point that they are only being paid to work for a defined period and sweeping the paving with a broom might take too long. It is all about choice.

At 8:08 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

The new faculty of sustainable whatever may be keen to install water tanks. It would be great if they were underground. I have looked down some strange holes over near the car park west of the med school. Are they indeed water tanks.

Also what is the story with that huge room next to the 'coffee cart'. It is airconditioned to artic conditions. The door is always open letting cold air escape. Its a huge impressive room to advertise the uni. A showpiece but cant the one occupant of that room close the door.

At 8:34 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know Skuller spent to much time in the public bar of the pub his parents run. You know those parts of a pub where the red neck bigotts expound their antisocial small minded argy bargy whilst half intoxicated. But I like the guy where the hell is he? You have to admit he is mellowing the more he spends time here. But really his blog has to be banned for his own good or I fear he will be removed from the uni. Before anyone gets to upset with the guy 'walk a mile in his shoes" ! Although, thats no excuse for 10% of the stuff he writes. I put it down to the state of his room. Undeniably it is the worst kept room I have ever seen. It looks like mold. The cleaners are happy not to clean it I fear. Correction make that 90% of the stuff he used to write.

At 8:47 p.m., Blogger Nic said...

Someone let James know the minutes have been released.

At 7:39 a.m., Blogger Nic said...

I don't know what you did to Jack - but I miss him. Bring him back?

At 2:43 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Several weeks ago a contributor to this blog mentioned that he thought there should be soft porn on this blog. Have a look at what NSW Liberal senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells has had to say about the publication of porn by public broadcasters in Senate Estimates this week.

Mind you the analogy that the Senator draws between the publication of soft porn and the defence of David Hicks an accused terroist leaves me a bit perlexed. So if anyone is going to listen to MAJOR Nori in Brisbane tomorrow please be warned.

We don't peddle porn, says SBSBy Samantha Maiden
October 31, 2006 01:00am
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SBS, the multicultural broadcaster, was accused yesterday of going soft on terrorism and peddling pornography.

NSW Liberal senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells lashed SBS officials, also accusing the broadcaster of "siding with" Australian terror suspect David Hicks.

Senator Fierravanti-Wells said the SBS documentary When Sex Goes Wrong had included "such insightful little gems (as) individuals recounting their most disgusting experiences involving sex".

"Can you just explain to me how this and similar programs conform to the SBS charter," she asked during heated clashes at yesterday's Senate estimates hearings between Liberal senators and public broadcasters.

"And why should I and millions of other taxpayers subsidise porn on SBS?"

However, SBS managing director Shaun Brown rejected her claims. "I don't accept your assertion that it's porn," he said. "We do not broadcast porn."

SBS telecasts a range of programs with strong sexual content including Stripperella, an animated series whose main character, voiced by Pamela Anderson, is a stripper named Erotica Jones.

Senator Fierravanti-Wells also raised concerns about the broadcaster's coverage of terrorism, saying it had an "equivocal attitude to terrorism".

She said a radio broadcast in which Hezbollah was referred to as a "so-called terrorist organisation" was unacceptable.

"Given what we know and given what we've heard for years and years and years, how can SBS still refer to Hezbollah as a so-called terrorist organisation?" she asked.

"It really is typical of the sort of stuff you are promulgating. The basic assertion that I am making is SBS is siding with Mr Hicks."

She also raised concerns about SBS staff fundraising for the Greens and working for al-Jazeera, which she said had been described as the "mouthpiece for the Muslim brotherhood".

"The involvement of an SBS staffer in a Greens fundraiser doesn't exactly surprise me, but can you tell me whether you have a procedure in place for journalists who do want to speak at political fundraisers?" she asked Mr Brown.

Labor has challenged SBS management to make public legal advice that sets out when and where the broadcaster can place advertising.

Labor communications spokesman Stephen Conroy has questioned whether SBS was fudging the definition of a "natural break" in a program to allow it to run more advertising than it previously has.

It is now running advertising in the middle of programs, at points where management determines the program has a so-called natural break.

Mr Brown told the hearing SBS had obtained legal advice defining where and when it could run advertising according to its charter, but he refused to table it on competition grounds.

Struggling to define what constituted a natural break in a program, Senator Conroy asked Mr Brown to provide examples.

"So, a natural break in a comedy, I am intrigued by that concept - is that when a joke isn't funny?" he asked.

Referring to cult German comedy Inspector Rex - about a crime-fighting dog - Senator Conroy inquired whether a natural break might be when the dog stopped to take a drink.

Mr Brown denied new legal advice had given the term a wider meaning to allow SBS to run more advertising.

Additional reporting: AAP


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