Satisfaction Guaranteed - Updated
Reporting, not so live, from the Student Ball the Satisfaction ticket conquered the 2006 elections with a clean sweep, pushing aside all competitors. While credit has to be given to all the independents, it was tough to compete against the combined strength of a ticket. Congratulations to Matt Cantatore and the rest of the team. We'll see how they do...and we'll be keeping an eye on them.
This is quite an embarrassing page. Shouldn't this be fixed? I wonder if we can get a guarantee that it will be fixed? Let's see if anything's done about it? I hope (and can almost guarantee) that it will be fixed before this many months has it been? Pretty lame is you ask me.
Apparently it was quite a Student Ball. My roaming reporter "C" tells me that the high of the evening was Sam Marash's Flashdance - we need a copy of this video. "C" isn't reporting a low to the evening...
The Vitamin attended the after-party - which started pretty lame - but picked up after 1am.
Oh...and by the's my favourite memory from the campaign...
(thanks to Jess Leach for the Photos)
They are elected but I'm still not satisfied.
I understand there was a terrible incident on the tennis courts at bond earlier this semester. It was week one does anybody know about it.
Re the Tuberculosis Incident at Bond. Are there correct screening processes in place to prevent infection? I have had these syptoms for some time and I see heaps of people around uni with that persistent cough. I am concerned as I have walked around the uni near the law library stumbling into heaps of memorial plaques for deceased students. How did they die?
gordo the afterparty ROCKED!
How long has Donaghue been in power? That webpage is a disgrace. Either take it down or clean it up. And he's representing us? Gord, do something about this!
Clearly I haven't been in power long enough for you to learn how to spell my name.
Word on the street is that Jess Leach went out with a BANG. Any comments?
That social page is a disgrace....why is it not up-to-date?
Nice for anyone who wants to join a club to see that it's crap.
your student council working hard for you...
Good to see u & i getting real close there Gords!
what a mess did that afterparty become! everyone acted shamefully!
Holy Crap Gordo I had no Idea you were 36 , that is like, really, really old.
how many more years do you need to stay in Australia before you get the pension?
I thought Brendan's name was spelled Dono-ho, you know, as in man-ho or himbo.
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