Sunday, March 12, 2006

Another Saturday Night

Thinking of something decent to post all day. I got nuthin. Last night was somewhat tame...although, was with good friends Marc, the new blood - Sean and Mike, Erin and Tannis. Varsity Tavern was hopping yet again, and as Marc, Mike and Erin slipped away, the rest of us yet again boarded the buses towards where else...but Surfer's Paradise. Luckily all the drinks were free at Melba's courtesy of some fool with a whole bunch of free drink tickets. I'll save the other 23 coupons that I have for next time.

On a another topic, 500 gram bags of M and M peanuts are on sale for $3.99 at K-mart. I bought three bags on Thursday. They're all gone. My name is Gord...and I have a problem.

Yesterday I went boogie boarding. I caught a few sweet waves. Then I noticed a kid with the same board as me give me the hang loose sign with his hands. He was no more than 12 years old - and yet I felt a a feeling of accomplishment. He wasn't allowed to go out boogie boarding without his mom watching...I was. I was a rebel to him...a role model. I grabbed a stick of Hubba Bubba chewing gum out of my bag, put it in my mouth, jumped on my bike, and rode home.


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