Friday, March 31, 2006

Random Thoughts - Birthday's Galore

  • Thursday night was apparently birthday night. We celebrated Sabrina and Ina's special days at the Fermented Grape in Broadbeach.
  • Images from the evening have not been uploaded yet, so in place I present to you - Admiral Ackbar, Commander of the Rebel Alliance, and perhaps the finest military leader of the New Republic.
  • The Fermented Grape is a great place. One flat-price ($40...or around there...except if your name is Matty. He likes to pay a little more - I still owe you a drink for that one guy). and you get an appetizer, choice of three main meals, and all you can drink wine. Fantastic. But it may be the reason why Anita later puked on herself. I wasn't feelin to great either. I heard at least one of the Birthday girls puked too - Sabrina. Now what's a birthday without someone throwing up?
  • Happy Birthday wishes also to Angus Young of AC/DC. He turned 51 on March 31st.
  • I'm about to lose the NCAA pool. If LSU can't come back to beat UCLA, I'm finished and Johhny Q wins.
  • Exams are coming. Does anybody know anything about Land Law? Time to hit the books I reckon.
  • If you've never had sticky date pudding, get on it. Put it in the microwave for 30 seconds, throw some cream on it, and enjoy. It's tasty.
  • Also, special Happy Birthday to Jeff Hodge. We missed his company this week (it's also great to see him drunk and try to pick up chicks...)

All for now....


At 10:09 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try? There is not try, there is either do or do not.

At 9:35 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Admiral Ackbar; what a leader! I'm glad you've highlighted his role, but could you possibly give us an article on his many achievments? After all, the Battle of Endor was one of the biggest turning points in Star Wars


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