Monday, April 10, 2006

Exam Preparation Thoughts

  • Common exam discussions between students may range from the helpful - to the absurd. Today my friend Matt told me about possible Constitutional Law questions for our exam. He also told me what style of pen was the best to write the exam. Unfortunatley (or fortunately...depending on your perspective) his explaination on the Pentel Liquidgel ink pen was in more depth than his explaination on the how the Corporations Power can be applied.
  • My father sent me the following email after observing on my blog (I assume) that I talk about rock and roll more than my legal studies:

Dad: Is the band (AC/DC) staying with you? Are they coming to help you study?

This was my response:

It would help if one of their songs had something to do with Land Law...

  • With that, I'll leave you with some of the Lyrics from Rock and Roll Singer off AC/DC's High Voltage album -1976

My Daddy was workin' nine to five,

When my Momma was havin' me,

By the time I was half alive,

They knew what I was gonna be,

I left school...and grew my hair,

They didn't understand.

They wanted me to be respected,

As a doctor or a lawyer man

...But I had other plans


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