Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Special Day

Today is my Dad's birthday. Posts will be limited to topics relating to my father. See here in a recent photo, this is my father's "cool" look. The sunglasses represent the rebel lurking inside. Actually, I believe this is a photo from a time that he took us up to the cottage in Marten River on his Harley. Then he made us whipper snip and mow. I really didn't understand that place. We'd rarely go up, and the times we did go we'd spend all day cutting the grass which had grown to about 4 feet high. In fact, if you look at the picture in the right hand corner, you can see the whipper snipper and the 4 mile long extension cord. We could never swim there either...too many leeches - or at least we saw one once...I think?

Doesn't my sister look great in the North Bay T-shirt? And my brother Steve in the speedos...boy did he love those. And how about that red shirt I was wearing - I think my parents put me in bright clothing as a young child because I was so reckless and just in case I ran into the street, I would be easily visible. was funny that as I grew older, my parents often put me in gray?

Back to the point - It's my Dad's birthday. The last time I did something this public to celebrate his birthday was in my younger days when I decided to phone the radio station and get them to announce it in the morning...he was non too pleased. That was when I was 12 maybe?

Anyway, hope he doesn't get too mad this time.

Happy Birthday Dad.


At 2:21 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gord I want your thoughts on Keith Richards having a hole drilled in his skull


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