Tuesday, July 18, 2006


What responses to the last few posts. Our staff has also been inundated with questions about the latest few issues. But as a credit to the new LSA, they are on the ball. I have spoken with the new President, and the Vice President has commented on this blog.

However, instead of posting their comments in the comment section, I would rather give them their own post to spread their word. If you don't like it, you can comment. But have the onions to post your name at least if you're gonna say something bad.

This came from President Brendan Donoghue:

Ok. Well as they say there is only one thing worse than people talking about you, and that is people not talking about you.

Let me address the issues on this blog one at a time.

Firstly the food
Matt, as I explained when you first mentioned this to me; this is outside the realm of the LSA. However, let me reiterate what I think that we all should do. For the benefit of the people that weren’t there on the evening, let me explain. Food and Bev (hereinafter the bra) are like a govt dept. There is no need for them to improve because they have a guaranteed line of income, being all the students on meal plans.

Why would you serve better food or be nicer when it will make no difference to your bottom line? You wouldn’t would you?
We as students can abuse them all that we like but at the end of the day that isn’t going to be time spent productively. The only way to get their attention is to threaten their income. The way to make a change is to then facilitate students having a choice. Enter the idea that you can use a meal ticket at Juicy Bits. If students are given a choice between the bra and JB’s then there will be people who will choose the latter. If this occurs the bra will have to look at how they can keep their customers coming back and how to make them happy right?

All of a sudden your concerns are being paid attention to.
The best bit about this idea is that it can help the students too. With the introduction of VSU more and more student council needs funding from things other than activity fees. Why not tie the deal to allow JB’s to cash meal tickets to an agreement that they give say 5 or 10% of all profits to the student council to help with the reduction of funding next semester? Here are the benefits of this plan: 1. More choice for students. 2. Better value for money 3. Increased income for Students. 4. Reinvestment in business on campus.

Now my suggestion to you Matt would be to focus your energies on helping with the implementation of a plan like this, instead of seeing how many ways that you can miss-spell my name. Brendan

The following TWO were written in by Donoghue's right hand- Vice President Matt Hooper.


A few clarifications in defence of our library. (1) The library always extends its opening hours around exam time. (2) The library closes at 6pm on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and not any earlier, as was suggested. Also, why are so many people afraid to put their name on their posts??? Unless there are lots of people called d and anonymous...

Dear All, I am very happy that this blog has raised various issues of concern to Bond law students. I would remind you all that should you have concerns which you would like the LSA to act upon, you should inform the LSA of these concerns directly. While Gordo's blog rocks, it isn't a means of informing the LSA that you have a problem. So rather than rant about how the LSA does nothing for you and is a complete failure, please inform us when you have a problem and we'll do our best to help get it fixed. If you'd like to come and talk to me about the library issue please do. In fact, the LSA has already had a meeting with a number of the library staff, including the director of library services (Gulcin) and the head of the law library (Paul). Please feel free to e-mail the LSA or myself, or call us, or drop in to the office during office hours (Mon-Fri 10am-2pm). If you don't give us a chance to help you, OF COURSE we will fail to solve your problems.


Now....the board of directors and the staff at www.gordprisco.blogspot has met. Firstly, we would like to say this - We agree wholeheartedly with the thoughts of President Brendan Donaghue on the Brasserie. Competition is what is needed. Have you ever seen the gents down at Juicy Bits? They're working their ass off. Yeah so what the coffee isn't as good as the coffee cart, but the service is second to none. They work harder than anyone at this Uni. Let's do something about this.

Secondly, while we agree with Vice President Matt Hooper that the openning hours are extended during exams....what about during assignment period. We feel that the library should be open at at least 8am everyday. Cut off the extra half-hour at night - close at 10:30pm instead of 11pm. Also, hours on Friday, Saturday and Sunday could be extended during assignment period in our opinion.

Let us know what your thoughts are about the times here in the comment section. This issue will be brought up at the meeting this Friday. The CEO of www.gordprisco.blogspot.com will be there (apparently the Culinary Critic - Matt Lorkin, will be in Sydney. He is doing a review of the Sydney Uni hot dog stand).

As for Hooper's comments about letting the LSA know what's happening. It's time they did something more to hear student concerns. Get with the times folks. We need email addresses readily available. We need the comment box in a better spot (it's currently stuck in the corner of locked LSA office I believe). Also, let the students know what you're doing for them. I understand after originally deciding we shouldn't be spending any money to send anyone to the ALSA conference, a last decision was made to pay for someone to go from LSA funding. What came of this? Was it money well spent? Communicate this message if you have one. Feel free to use this forum to get these messages out to students. We elected you, now prove to us that you've deserved our confidence in you.

That's it for now...


At 11:28 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Skuller her, After reading the brilliant stuff the staff at www.gordprisco.blogspot.com are posting i thought it time i get off my arse and make my contribution.

Brendan and Matt, soft politics boys really soft, but your from Victoria Matt so i was kind of expecting that from you. I do concur with the finding of Brendan, the food and bev staff will do little because they dont have to. Cashing our tickets at juicy bits presents a problem because it is a independant contractor from the university but i being your intellectual superior Brendan i think no less of you for being wrong. Even if they did accept our tickets it would do little.

We need men with balls, hence men like me, when you can beat at the skull i will value your ideas but until such time i run a general constitutional inconsistancies policy. We need to scare the shit out of the uni, what we do is talk in a nearby food provider to take an action against the university for restrictive trade under the TPA, this is coupled with a action by the students for both undue influence and unconciousnablity(4give bad spelling) under common law or TPA. At the very least we will scare the shit out of the 6th floor in the arch.

a pizza and alcoholic beverages awaits me so i must depart. More as it happens

At 11:42 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, I have time to address the issues on this blog again....


On the issue of changing the library opening hours I will more than happily take this up with both the law library and main library people.

I was always planning to attend this meeting. I am happy to raise any issues that the readers of this blog actually have with the library.

My work

I think maybe your readers would like an insight into what the new president of the LSA has done since taking office, apart from cleaning the microwave. Well here is a small sample;

I have met with all the law staff on a one on one basis.

I have organised a monthly meeting with the dean of the law school to ensure that student concerns are heard at the highest level, something that had not happened for the past 9 months.

I have had dinner with the VC, at the bra, and relayed student concerns over the running of Dons and the way that the redevelopment of the bra is taking place in the middle of semester.

I have assisted in the running of student for a day;

assisted in planning the law experience;

assisted in planning for open day;

help train high school mooters;

organised the videoing of the high school moot and mock trial;

reviewed the universities new careers plan and advised on how it could be better integrated with the faculty;

have identified the 60 to 80 something students who don’t get all law student emails and devised a system that allows the lsa and the law faculty to control their own mail lists and not rely on the one (mis)managed by ITS;

I have met with student council, the faculty and external companies to ensure that the quality events provided by the LSA will not diminish due to VSU;

I have formed a revenue sub-committee for the sole purpose of rasing funds external to activities fees funding and have plans in place to achieve this.

I have also organised a new fridge to be moved into the lsa lounge.

I have done more than thins, but I think you get the point that its only been 5 weeks and more has been done for law students apart from being able to re-heat you vege burrito without the danger of catching some exotic disease.

If you have or any readers have any concerns with something you can raise them with the lsa directly or via an email to lsa@bond.edu.au

The team at Gordprisco.blogspot.com

Can I just say one thing about this blog and the path that seems to have been taken recently by the team at www.gordprisco.blogspot.com.....

The LSA is here to represent the Bond Law Students. We were duly elected by a vote of over 380 law students. If you think that we bought those votes and succeed in convincing others of that fact do you know what happens? You will completely destroy our ability to act as your representatives.

The LSA impact on your lives a lot more than I think many of your readers realise. From academic affairs, assistance with funding, competitions, careers through to welcome and exit functions we do it all. In fact there is a good chance that the LSA will be your first and last contact with the law school as a bond student. We

That being said you need to understand that enormity of the tasks ahead of us. If we muck up our handling of the next year the ramifications will be far and wide. Not only will you have a bad time here, but your degree will be worth less as there will be less alumni engagement for future enrolments and the system and therefore lower quality of graduates in the marketplace. This is a real make or break year for the LSA, as it will be for student council.

Don't fall into the trap of taking cheap shots at us to raise controversy when they are not the most important thing to be discussed. It will give you a short term rating boost, but will ultimately ruin your credibility and harm you in the long run.

Take us to task on the real issues gord and don’t let up.

Until next time….

Brendan Donoghue

PS. For the record the lunch that I had with the wonderfully interesting and gorgeous Canadian Law student was great and beat the hell out of talking to Matt for any longer. ;)

At 5:50 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

The library hours may be extended during exam times - but they are still not open until 10am on weekends (the whole semester). And when they say exam times .... what they really mean is for one or two weeks only. How about extending them for three weeks?

The main issue I have is the opening time on weekends.

ON the food issue. Bond is not going to allow JB to accept meal cards as that would mean paying a premium to JB. The bra produces food for a much less sum than JB would ever sell it back (ie: cash in the food slips) to the university. So I just don't see how that plan is workable.

At 8:32 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...


May I suggest a monthly email - or posting on the LSA website to let us know what changes (enhancements)are being made/proposed. The purpose of this would not be too checkup on you but rather to function as an information service.

I've was interested to hear what you have been doing but it disappoints me that I didn't know earlier. I realise I could have sent you an email and asked you but (to be honest) that didn't occur to me. I think you could have also sent and email - or posted something on the LSA website to let us ALL know how you have been working for us (not sitting on your butt).

We need to be informed. If we are not informed then we make assumptions (we are law students). Remember silence often speaks louder than words. When those assumptions are not challenged we make further assumptions.

So how about some communication?
A forum on the LSA website? How about ACTUALLY making announcements on the announcements page of the LSA website?


At 9:38 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

skuller here. Brendan this is a bit light hearted humour i dont think you should be so emotional. The political campain is over mate, stop telling us how great you are and get back to the task at hand. We have faith in you, thats why you where elected, but being top dog we have every right to take the piss out of you

At 11:32 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bandon(LSA President) and 'His Hand Man'.

My concern dirty plates.
Response zero.
Action required. Approach Food and Beverage and tell them to lift their game on the cleaning issue.

Multiple Law Students concern about library open hours.
Response there is no issue.(as minuted yesterday this blog)
Action required. Attend the meeting on friday and put the suggestion forward.

You characters are elected to represent Law Students. I dont really care if you have concerns on the Library or not.

At 2:01 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I refer to 'you characters' I refer only to Braambie Denigue(LSA el. President) and his 'Hand Man'.

At 2:12 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re the ALSA. who went? what happend? how much did it cost?


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