www.gordprisco.blogspot.com meet the candidates night
As most of you are aware, student council elections are in full-swing. Below is a list of people running. Some have been acclaimed, however, there are sure to be a few tight races. Even though there’s a debate next Monday night, many students do not attend it. Most students can be found having a few drinks at Don’s Tavern or Club 20 on a Thursday night. So, here’s the thing…I’ve invited all the candidates to be at Don’s on Thursday to speak to the students. Who knows how many people will show up, but every vote counts (just ask two-vote Scandrett). If nobody else shows up, I’ll be at Club 20 and Dons by myself recording the thoughts and ideas of the candidates in their vision for the school. Blah blah blah…time to rock the boat a little bit and throw some excitement into the race somehow…
Matt Cantatore
Vice President
Matthew Cam
Julien du Vergier
Ashleigh Armitage
Vishant Narayan
Sadia Stathis
Michael Truce
Academic Affairs Director
Matthew Hooper
Campus Life Director
Cameron Dibble
Jack Blackburn
Laz Christou
Clubs & Societies Director
Deb Horsley
Promotions Director
Fabia Lonnquist
Publications Director
Joseph Corrigan
Troy Smith
Special Interests
Alex Stratigos
Cathy Rowe
Eidan Havas
Felix Offermann
Dylan Wiltermuth
Bronte Campbell
Why don't you ever run for this kind of thing Gord. You could be Internet Affairs (Blog) Director.
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