Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Blogosphere - Updated

This is a recent comment I the staff here at made me aware of

To Brendan...dont bother writing on this blog. It is a discredit to your leadership. YOu owe nothing to a blog drum up by some student.

There are other avenues for you to raise your defense. No political leader goes on to a BLOG to raise his defense...he will get killed.

Remember this is just some stupid, silly blog.

The author wrote in as anonymous - However we at now know that the culprit was one Mark Lucenti. We thought he knew more about the modern day tools than that. Apparently, we were wrong. We hope that from now on Mr Lucenti will have the courage to attach his name to his posts.

In fact yes, this blog is just for fun...and no harm is meant by it. However, the writer is flat out wrong to discredit the power of blogs in this day and age.

The first example of this was in the early 1990's where a small website called the Drudge Report (which had no affiliation to any mainstream media) first reported on the sex scandal between U.S. President Bill Clinton and White House intern Monical Lewinsky. Since then Matt Drudge has one of the most influential political websites in the world. In Canada, Pierre Bourque's site named "" has had much the same effect. Cabinet Ministers, political pundits and staff are found viewing this site every few hours daily (I know this, because I have been political staff for cabinet ministers).

Furthermore, political candidates are now seeking interviews with bloggers - evidenced in the Canadian Liberal leadership contest, "The Liberal leadership race, like no other political contest before it, is being waged in the "blogosphere" — the rollicking, unpredictable world of online diarists and self-made political pundits."

For further reference please see this article from the Boston Globe.

I think I've made my point. The writer is wrong.

While I'm not quite the Drudge Rerport or Pierre Bourque, the members of the LSA aren't quite Cabinet Ministers either. We at will support the LSA when we think they are doing a good job (see Sam Berry limes for Club 20, Tom Clarke responding to music requests for Club 20, Brendan Donoghue helping students with LSA emails or meeting with professors and the VC). Otherwise, we'll keep reporting on the issues of the day. We will also keep reporting on issues that are nonsensical.

I have to get a life.


At 2:25 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand after originally deciding we shouldn't be spending any money to send anyone to the ALSA conference, a last decision was made to pay for someone to go from LSA funding. What came of this? Was it money well spent? Communicate this message if you have one.
Did you get an answer on this Gordon.


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