Monday, July 24, 2006

Monday's Musings

  • I great comment was posted today. It was about the LSA site - "" why doesn't it work? While we're working on other issues, we should also work on this one. I googled Bond University LSA and nothing of substance came up. Although I did get the Australian Law Student's Association (ALSA) website, which we coincidentally paid for one of our LSA members to go to, and the this was the information that was given. It's got a link that doesn't work to our LSA. Every other school's website works - why doesn ours? Secondly, it's also got out-of-date information about our current LSA? Did we the Bond Student Council spend hundreds of dollars so that we could have erroneous information posted? Let's get this changed.
  • On the same topic, I recently went to the Bond University Student Council Social Clubs page found here. The information is about a ga-zillion years old. What is the deal here? Can we get this updated? Is someone responsible for this on council? We'll ask BUSA President Jess Leach about this one?
  • I think I have to throw out my polkadot pajamas. There's a hole in the behind area. I've had the pajamas for years. It's gonna be tough to say goodbye.


At 3:14 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

You cant afford new jamas. You have you $88 dollars to save up for your Student Activity Fee. Maybe the LSA representative has the pajamas or better still the robe from Melbourne. Listen I've tried those links before with zero result. This appears to be the only place you can get up to date infromation on the LSA. Apparently the LSA President has an 'IT' company, maybe he can sort out the absolute mess. Has anyone seen the President today I am worried about him. How did the meal go down?

At 3:15 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Send Matt to find out when they are getting more tapioca balls for the Bubble T's - I'm in withdrawal!

At 3:18 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

please remove she bitch from my name

At 3:44 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah that explains it all. The Cops served an AVO (apprehended violence order) on me yesterday and charged me with offences under the Commonwealth Crimes act regarding the use of a phone. I have been ringing this guy listed as the LSA rep all semester complaining about not being able to see anything going on at the LSA web site.

At 4:55 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

gord....that wasn't your boy weir that i saw tied with the 310th ranked player in world was it???

Can't believe that the guy you consider the second best player in the world would tie such a low ranked player...just can't be.

At 7:12 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gord. I have resigned from the LSA and looking after the website is now out of my responsibilities. I did fix the problem however, so go and check it out you ass :P

At 8:35 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, seriously you guys are hilarious.

The LSA site is fixed. We are working on moving it from a static site (as it is now) to a CMS system.

What does all that mean? Well basically it means that the entire LSA will be able to post and update information on the site and we can make it a truly rich hub of information for all the law school.

As for my day? Thanks for asking. Today as anyone who took the stairs to level 4 would testify I worked my first day in assisting the faculty find placements for all of our PLT students while a replacement for her is found.

And yea, though I wont talk to much about it….. Funding for comps. Guys (and em) the rules are really clear under us. If you win an internal comp you will get (at least partially) funded from the faculty to go to a national comp. I notice that a few people who were willing to suggest that the selection has not been fair have not thrown their hat into the ring for the client interview this week.

Remember people, after the fact there is no point in telling us that you were better, you have to enter first.  On that note too thanks to all of the staff of the law school who are helping out this week, we appreciate it.


At 8:36 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh btw a CMS is a content management system.

At 8:50 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

One would think that Brendan having his own IT company would have the knowlege, abillity and resources to ammend the problem, After all we did see a good job with the website for his political candidates.

I remember back and i was promised a kick arse LSA website and 110% commitment from the president, There 2 promises i feel havent been delivered yet.

As for student council fuck ups, this along with our current LSA and me not getting elected on that committe shows us that democracy clearly fails haha. Although i oppose VSU, and will continuely pay my activity fee, A positive that comes from it is that it does force student council and student associations to be more accountable for if they do a shit job it gives us students the power not to contribute to there coffers and implace some sort of stress.

As for the jamies, i do not have them but i bet they where stolen, ive been trying to find the mothafucka whos been knocking off my laundry power, i will find and presecute the mofo responsible. As for the suspects in your case Gord i would turn to LSA President, lately he has expressed his disatisfaction for you and the political oppisition your awesome site is offering. He figures with out ure jamies you will be intimidated and/or loose the heart to keep open a public avenue for criticism. As your alcoholic critic i will get to the truth of this

At 2:29 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is up with the Diot brothers?

This is far more interesting than the LSA shit you keep talking about.

At 10:21 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is ironic your name is called cock and balls, i move a motion suggestion you stop placing such item in you mouth


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