Friday, July 21, 2006

Friday Report...bits and pieces

  • The staff-student library roundtable was held today in the Main Library. The CEO of attended the meeting. We got to business quickly. LSA President Brendan Donoghue took the bull by the horns by bringing the library hours issue to the forefront of the meeting. A great discussion ensued. Director of Library Services Gulcin Cribb took the suggestions to heart and many other suggestions resulted. Looks like we'll be having a survey soon to what changes should be made to the hours. President Brendan also made a great suggestion about giving wireless Laptop owners access to send their jobs to directly to the printers without having to access one of the desktop school computers. I felt it was a great suggestion which Gulcin informed us is on the radar screen, and is being pushed by the Vice Chancellor. Other student participants included LSA President Brendan Donaghue, Bond University President Jess , Sarah, Sam Cochrane, Brendan Scandrett, Julien, Kate and Jenna. The meeting was well attended by library staff - which further goes to prove their commitment to excellence. Although I didn't get a chance to meet everyone on a one-on-one basis, it was nice hear from Gulcin, Mark, Wendy, Peta, Chris Curtis, Paul White (our law librarian), Brian, Cindy, Michael, among many others who attended. I am certain that we'll see some small changes in the coming future that will make the library services at Bond University even better than they already are.
  • As an aside, thanks to the library staff for becoming readers of this useless little nonsense page - I was wondering why my daily hits were going up?
  • that's onto other things relevant and yet nonsensical.
  • President Brendan sent me the following the email:

No LSA funds were spent to send anyone to ALSA. None, nada, zip.
Student Council paid for one person from the LSA to go and represent the university at the conference.
The faculty part subsidised the mooters. The mooters and not others were chosen simply given their wealth of experience and previous sacrifice in this area for the law school.


  • President Brendan is proving to be a fiscally responsible manager while remaining open to the social conscience of the law school. Well done Brendan....but don't let the grass grow under your feet.
  • Canadian Golfer Mike Weir is in contention at the British Open. Dave and Mark Lucenti hate Mike Weir. The staff (each and every one of us) at are all big supporters of Weir. We are proud Canadians. Proud to see that a Canadian is in contention after the first day. Mark and Dave don't want to see Weir do well. I guess they don't like Canada?
  • Last night was Club 20 in front of the law school. Although I had an Admin tutorial for the first half, I could hear the music playing from down below. Kudos to Tom Clarke and the rest of the LSA for taking some of the musical suggestions on and playing some great Aussie music. Another great Club 20.
  • Varsity Lakes tavern had a ping pong tournament in which James Payne and I were dismantled by Matty Lambert and Morgan. James, work on your backhand!
  • I would like to report on the rest of the evening, but it involved too much debauchery to mention. Basically it involved the terrible three - Matty, Myself and Nate, going to Surfers....I'm gonna end it there...I have to...
  • More to come...but I gotta go get my pizza.


At 3:19 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha, you are totally toning it down for the staff readership ... Cheers, the alcohol vacuum

At 4:30 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where does the funding for student council come from????

At 9:08 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Again there is some damage control going on here. The LSA seems to be in damage control. In a few days or weeks they will give us a report on the extremely useful information gained by the LSA rep at the conference. Did the LSA think of topping up the funding from the faculty to the fantasic Mooters. Accountability zero. Listen Matt(of spa tub fame) doesn't seem to have to go to the conference to have a good time. Why didn't the LSA send their conference rerprentative around to Matts spa tub for a chat.

At 9:11 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry does this mean that LSA had some choice in which Mooter's went?

At 7:39 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was the LSA representative funded to a higher degree than each mooter? Surely not.

At 8:18 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Mr El Presidente Brambie Denigrete,LSA whats his name

Re your suggestion that I somehow throw my energies behind some commercial arrangement regarding 'Juicy Bits'. I have no interest in such a folly. Again, what I simply requested of you was that you contact food and Beverage regarding the state of the plates at Don's and the unhygenic serving conditions at Lakeside during the renovations. FYI the breakfast at Lakeside during the renovations was fantastic. Most of the meals were ok during the renovation. The staff at these facilities are 'generally fantastic' for example Megan is a terrific hostess. I attempted to solve these issues by politely mentioning it to Darrell at Don's. I also emailed Food and Beverage and as yet have had no reply. The moment is over el Presidente and your response was nil. All you had to do was make a free phone call or email and solve these issues.

Regarding the Library (Law) which is a fantastic place (sponsored in part by my local federal member) I simply put forward a suggestion to you that there was 'some opinion' that maybe the hours could be altered slightly. The staff and facility are great. Initially you ignored my comments (just like the food) as minuted this blog. Obviously you picked the ball up and I give you full credit for that.

Finally you comment to me in the Law Library at 5pm last Friday that I 'piss off' was uncalled for and I call on you to formally apologies to me on this Blog.

Awaiting your timely response whilst considering my position.


At 10:38 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Matt

I hear your expression of concern regarding the opening hours of the Libraries.

Unfortunately, I beleive that we are in the minority in regards to wanting the Law Library opening earlier and closing earlier (as opposed to opening later and closing later).

I have personally had a number of discussions about opening hours, the reserve collection, quiet areas, computer access facilities and the provision of group study rooms with the Library staff. (Two of these with the majority of Library staff in an open forum and one with Paul)

I can assure you that the Library staff are open to hearing the concerns of students. However, the Library are not a McDonalds. Every hour that the Library is open they incur expenses which they don't have the ability to recoup (because they don't sell goods or services)

The best I can say to you is that your concerns have been duly noted, they have been raised with the appropriate members of staff and these staff members are trying to come up with solutions to the problem.

Kind Regards - Brendan Scandrett

At 10:54 p.m., Blogger The Vitamin's Blog said...

Dear Brendan,

The staff at will partially respond on behalf of the Culinary Critic. I'll be short and to the point.

The library staff is great. It's great that you're having conversations with them. But first and foremost you represent us - the students.

Yes, I am sure the library does incur expense if they were to open longer. But last time I checked, I spend $2,855 per class tuition. As a total, this works out to be $11,420 for 14 weeks of learning. If i remember correctly my tuition has been raised. And at my last look, there were approximately 380 full-time law students....with another almost 400 part time. Have my services along with these other almost 800 students services been raised as our tuition has?

As one of the people you represent, I don't want to hear this "CAN'T DO" attitude. Fight for the concerns of the students - not for the concerns of the library staff. Work together, but when the chips are down, know who you're fighting for. Last time I checked you got elected to the Law STUDENTS association.

the staff at

At 11:20 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

From reading Brendan Scandrett's Comment correctly I don't get the vibe of a "Can't Do" attitude. I think his email was informative to what he has done thus far and what he feels is being done currently by the staff to address the students concerns. Lets see what the Library comes up with as solutions- we are lucky enough to have brilliant minds working at our library so I'm sure they will come up with some good ones. However If they don't, I have trust in Brendan S that he will do all he can to make sure a appropriate solution is reached.

At 11:31 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Over the last week (or so) we have had our say and the LSA has at least listened to us. They have attended the round table lunch and responded to our comments. Now it's time to wait and find out if it's been successful.

Appart from Brendan D raising the concerns of law students I don't see how he can force any changes. He can't snap his fingers and make it all change. He can keep applying the pressure but at this point it's probably pointless. There is no point in continuing to flog the horse. We have been heard and now it's in the hands of others.

Both Brendan's are entitled to let us know how the library responds to our comments. (It's nice to hear what the defence case is!) The LSA is made up of law students as well and they are entitled to have their say - whether they agree with the rest of us or not.

I don't hear a "can't do" attitude. I hear "we've passed your comments on". The LSA can only raise our conscerns - it can't do anymore.

I'm not sure I like the idea of Brendan D telling people to "piss off" but then I wasn't there for the whole conversation and after the week he has had I'd probably respond in a similar way.

I wasn't there for the meeting and I can't vouch for who is on what side. But I don't believe with the amount of pressure on Brendan he would forget who's side he is on. (Gord if you are alluding to some feeling you got from the meeting then please explain a little further. )

Lets all take a step back and give things time to change. If it doesn't we know where to complain.

At 12:21 a.m., Blogger The Vitamin's Blog said...

Brendan Scandrett,

I retract my comments from earlier until further notice...

or until i am drunk.

The vitamin

At 2:01 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fair call. By the way Brendan it was Thursday you suggested those words to me.

At 11:02 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Gord

Mate I just wanted to let you know that I am really disappointed with the line that your blog is taking.

Being accused of telling one of my constitutes to 'piss off' is so below the belt that it’s not funny.

It's pretty clear that Matt isn’t interested in anything to really do with bettering the uni experience. He seems only interested in the small amount of notoriety that he will get from posting slanderous comments on your blog.

To be honest with you, that's pretty weak. Gord you know that I back all the concerns that students raise, hell I even opened discussions with the hours issue at the round table. However, I refuse to be cast in a light where I act in the manner that Matt is trying to cast me in. I doubt that there has been a harder working LSA president in the past few years and I would be upset if your blog was to diminish my standing in the community.

As such, I will no longer have anything to do with your blog until you clean up your act. Gord you review the comments before they are posted and the least that you could do would be to check with me before posting something as slanderous as this.


Brendan Donoghue

PS. feel free to publish this if you wish. I would rather that people had an understanding of where I stand..

At 12:44 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jesus chirst ladies ive missed out on a fight n now im upset. Matty thats an angry outburst at the pres, none the less some goods sledges, a decission as whether there warrantted is not one i want to deliberate in.

To d and Brendan, This cant do attitude is not acceptable. Its probably a good reason i didnt make the LSA for the fanacticism and controversal form of politics i endorse but hear me out. We are the students we pay close to 12K a semester, with out us these academics, not good enough to be real lawyers wouldnt have a job. This academic's version of them running the show just isnt good enough we demand and deserve quality and so far the uni is lacking it in all aspect, i point to the quallity of our LSA for an example, joking haha. Us students need to grabs these academics by the balls and twist them into submission, unitted we can change things at bond for the better.

I was an unsucessful applicant for the mooting so i didnt want to bring the issue up for reasons my interest conflict but im glad someone did. Om obviously pissed i didnt make it but let me unleash my anger. the four elected have all been in mooting comps and have had numerous chances at mooting, they should move on and let others have a go, for fuck sakes its completely unfair these 4 get to go again and again and again. Also the selection process was bullshit, Academic records, wat r they good for absolutely noting, say it again, These nerds with no respect for a social life shouldnt be given preference because there nerds, you cant learn skills from books so the notoin some little freak who can verbatise a txt book will be good is completely unsound. I conceed the 4 chosen have proven there weight before but with all due respect i put to you there not that great and that i and other ppl could beat them.

thats my bitching done for the day. Thursday night see res dinner and another night at dons im hopping to see everyone there.

Skuller, supporting the irresponsible consumption of alcohol

At 9:23 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

The LSA has really done some damage to it self in the past few days. The people dont you want you to try to cover each others arses, we want action and answers even if they are not favourable. Praise the social side of Bond and the LSA, 4 it is the only thing i can be truely proud (despite appauling numbers at Dons for the start of the semester) I must say i am proud of the job Tommy Clarke is doing and that i could not have lost to a better man

Brendan you know i like and support you, however you also know the ppl have a right to discuss political affairs, at any level. Yes Gord does administer the comments on this blog but he is merely letting everyone voice there oppinion, If you are unsatisfied with the oppinion of some going mute is not going to change to them, take afffirmative actions to change them or cut your losses where they lie. Brendan you must be tougher then this, to cripple at this banter is so not you, raise above it. Show us you are as good as you say you are (you have set yourself a high standard).

Matt i am surprised to see such fight in you, unusual for the soft scum of NSW to have it in them. ALthough this is a fight you should be having with Amy Rowland, On campus person for student council.

well ladies i hope you get your knickersout of the not they are in and get back to me at dons.

Skuller here, sipporting the irresponsible consumption of alcohol


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