Friday, July 28, 2006

Hulkamania is running...err...hobbling wild?

  • Thursday's report includes another tough day at Bond Uni followed by a few drinks with friends at Don's Tavern for 80's night.
  • Seen above is Nate (aka The hobbling/glass smashing Hulkster). What other man would dye his hair yellow, then cut part of it off to make a Hulkster Handlebar moustache, then shave his head after? That's why he's part of the terrible three. And even though he may be the worst pool player I have ever seen, we won every game. Thanks to DB, Morgan and Marc for the free drinks.
  • We ended up in Surfers(where nothing good can happen). The night ended with Morgan morphing into a version of the wild drunk again...although, most of the wildness was gone. He was more just....well...drunk. And the Hulkster shouldn't have been lying on the road. Maybe then his ankle wouldn't have been run over by a cab.
  • Marc made his he back?
  • Speaking of the Hulkster, I still remember seeing this as a kid. It was awesome then, and it's still great. Notice who's commentating - former Governor Jesse "the body" Ventura. Upon further searching I found this video. You have to watch. I couldn't stop laughing when he started talking about the Hulkamaniacs dog-paddling.
  • Here's the thing about Australian Gameshows...they're better than North American ones, but most of the time they're playing for nothing. Someone just won two cell phones on Temptation and was elated. Sometimes the grand prize on these shows are trips to Melbourne, Sydney, or the Gold Coast. It would kinda be like going on a show back home and winning a trip to Winnipeg. There is one exception to this with Deal or No Deal (which the US now has a version of).
  • I'm back to arm-wrestling again.
  • Next time I eat eggs I want to be sure they're cage eggs. I don't like the eggs from the chickens that get to run around all day. The caged chickens are professional egg chickens. They know what they're doing. The ones that run around are the amateurs.
  • And to all the Hulkamaniacs out there....Do your training, say your prayers and eat your vitamins
P.S. - Here's some info for Law Students re tutoring schedules thanks to Brendan Scandrett.

Date Time Tutor Subject Room
Friday 4th August 12:00 - 2:00 pm - Chloe Campbell - Civil Remedies - C4T06
Monday 7th August 2:00 - 4:00 pm - Katie Mitchell - Tortious Liability - C3C01
Tuesday 8th August 2:00 - 4:00pm - Naomi King - Equity - C3T02
Friday 11th August 2:00 - 4:00pm - Leigh McBean - General Exam Techniques - C3T04


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