Saturday, July 22, 2006

Statement by

President Brendan.

Your recent comment about "slanderous comments" was on the mark.

From now on, no slanderous comments will be published on this blog - unless they are 1) clearly a joke or nonsensical or; 2) Written by Jack "the skuller" Blackburn - the official alcohol critic (we all know that he only writes his comments/articles after copious amounts of alcohol or wedges from the brasserie and should be allowed to spread his views at that time).

I will try and control my Culinary Critic Mr Matt Lorkin into commenting on Culinary Issues.

The board of directors at supports the efforts of President Brendan Donoghue in his efforts to do what is best for the students of the Law Faculty. He has shown us already that he means business (I have seen this first hand). We have no reason to believe that he will not continue his efforts.

For those of you that may be saying that we at are kowtow-ing to President Brendan's wishes, we say this - yes, we probably are...

P.S. wishes to retract any comments made about LSA student affairs representative Brendan Scandrett. The wrong message got out. The fact is this, he was the first person at the library meeting the other day, and the last one to leave. He has thus far shown his worth. The staff here will be watching, but the criticism has been a little undeserved.

We at will admit when we make an error. Today is one of those days (well...we won't usually admit when we screw up to be honest, but we are in a good mood today).


At 12:23 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has this joint been shut down or sanitised?

At 12:32 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

It takes a good amount of internal fortitude to publicly admit you are wrong. But that's exactly what Gordo has done.

Personally: I don't want to re-ignite any fires but I don't feel the comments by Matt were slanderous. From my limited (alcohol ravaged) recollection of Torts for slander to occur the statement must be untrue and people must think less of you as a result. If Brendan D did tell Matt where to go then I respect a man who knows how to stand up for himself, hence I don't think less of him. If he didn't make the comments then I still don't think less of the man. Either way - no slander.

I don't necessarily agree with Gordo's censorship of comments but I understand the anarchy that would ensue if every comment was published. I respect the man for publicly stepping down on an issue that he may be wrong on.

Think of what has been achieved over the last week. Before these issues blew up - we had little or no communication from the LSA and wondered whether they were working for students at all. Now we know they are (or at least trying too) - we also know both Brendans have enough respect for themselves not to take unwarranted abuse. The men are no push overs. I feel we have a stronger LSA for it. We have also learnt that Gordo is honest enough to take his hat in his hand and apologise publicly.

To Gordo, Brendan D and Brendan S - keep up the communication - if for the only reason that it's really entertaining.

At 2:08 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, these comments are hilarious.. i'm not sure whether they're to be taken serioulsy or not...

gord - this is your blog, you can put whatever you want on it. it is a free forum where people should be able to voice their opinions, good or bad. if certain people don't like what you say, they can make their own blog and say whatever they want to say on that. ps fermented grape...

brendan - you can't expect to be liked by everyone. people are gonna write shit about you but you have to take it cuz you're the president. don't have a a cry every time someone is mean to you. suck it up. show everyone that you are the better man.

and to anyone else who may care what this nobody thinks - give the president a break. he's been in office for what, 5 weeks? did you seriously believe he was going to fix everything that's wrong with this uni in that short space of time?

At 2:30 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I absolutely 100% stand by my comment that Mr Bambie Denegrate LSA el Presidente 'he who must be obeyed' said the words 'piss off matt' to me at approx 5pm last thursday in the Law Library ground floor whilst reviewing the play list for the function on Mr Gordon Prisco's laptop. As I have said I am prepared for the matter to be tested in any forum.

At 2:38 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

That said on the editor's orders its back to the Culinary Corner for me (as directed by the blog's legal department as directed by the accounts department).

At 2:45 a.m., Blogger The Vitamin's Blog said...

I think the comment referred to was a comment in jest. I was there for the comment, however, my Culinary Critic may have taken it a bit out of context.

In other news, President Bush swore this week at the G8 summit.

At 2:50 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah so he did say those words. Well well well the plot thickens what else is the LSA hiding.

At 2:54 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not allowed to comment any further. Mr Brendan Donaghue good luck with your work. To the other members of the LSA keep up the good work.

At 2:55 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry I meant Mr Brendan Donoghue.

At 5:53 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

How long has this been going on? It is illogical, meaningless, stupid, narcistic, controversial but I LOVE IT. Is it a joke or is this for real? Who are these characters? Who is 'she who must be obeyed' or 'he.." Where is 'Juicy Bits' and what is this place called 'the law library' all about? Is it a nightclub? Can you get a drink there?

At 6:05 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Culinary Critics menue for Monday.
Ok for entree its Egg on Face. For mains Humble Pie. And Finally for dessert its Rhubarb, Apple or whatever as long as its CRUMBLE!

At 6:21 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know its not the best but sometimes you just gotta eat whats dished up. ENJOY!!

At 6:37 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps the President LSA can be the first served. Come on get it whilst its hot!

At 6:57 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Of recent i have had to face a horrible truth. That being my spelling and typing skills are as bad as the current LSA, joking joking haha.

At 1:36 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come when you go to absolutely nothing happens. It would be great if this worked.

At 1:46 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Student Portal tells you to go there if you want to know what is going on at LSA. You go there and you get

Directory Listing Denied

This Virtual Directory does not allow contents to be listed.

Can someone help me where is the latest info on what is going on at LSA is it only this site?

At 1:52 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do they need a food critic?

At 1:56 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen I love all the social stuff. I really dont want any of my $88 dollars (student activity fee) going to anything else except social events. Although I love Melbourne Matt's spa tub is the only place funding should extend to for r and r.

At 2:26 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its all Greek to me. Get it Melbourne Greek ahhhhhhaahhhahhhahhhahhh

At 4:53 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

The student activity fee doesn't go toward sending people to Melbourne... The dean of the law school sets aside money for the competitions.. so it would either becoming from
A) your fees
b) the government

the activity fee goes only to the LSA.. who as brendan established didnt fund any of the ALSA reps.Best get facts right before making accusations.

Re: the "skuller" rant about mooting- fair enough, good point that others should be allowed to have a go, but that is exactly what the Brian Orr competition is for, allowing the entire law faculty to compete. Its funny that people are ranting about being unable to get involved, as when the opportunity was available and only about 20-30 people did. Moreover, i think it is undeniable that the four people chosen are more than competent, and definitely the best people for the job.

And i disagree it is only four people involved in the mooting. None of the gibbs mooters went to ALSA, and none of them are in the current Jessup team. Admittedly, the circle of people who get involved in things like this at uni is quite small and incestuous, but nonetheless, the opportunity to enter these circles is always there, through Brian Orr, and the fact that each competition has an application process.

At 8:12 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

you make to many assumptions dickhead and it does you no good. Another short comming in the Bond degree, assumptions are the short falling or average lawyers and have the abillity to destroy, a lawyer should only act on what he knows

with that said i have been envovled in every Brian Orr moot (since the 051) comp so you dont kno shit do you dickhead. and surprisingly they have always been awarded to our infamous jessup team members. Sam and Amy where just recently in a debate team under that admin comp, and julls and rach just came out of a very successful jessup team so remove your head from the pile of shit you have it burried in. More students deserve ago, not these spoilt nerds who are getting to much time in the lime light

and a hole one moot comp a year, what huge avenue to get into this exclusive circle.

When one examines the stupidity of some students such as your self it is hard to have the notion of fixing Bond's short comming.

Skuller, supporting the irresponsible consumption of alcohol

At 9:04 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nobody on last years Jessup team did Brian orr this year, in order to give the others a chance.To my knowledge, that rule of ex-jessupers not doing brian orr is going to continue in future years, at least in the year immediately after they compete. So they statement that they are "always awarded to our infamous jessup mooters" is inaccurate.

"spoilt brats who get all the limelight" or not, they are excellent mooters and the best people to represent the university, otherwise they wouldnt have been selected.

At 10:28 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I take you back 051 Brian Orr Moot Comp where it was awarded to Ed Brokoff and Racheal Manstead, who had also just represented Bond in a successful Jessup Team. They are great people and good mooters but i put to you there bid was aided by there jessup success.

If you are unware of this event it clearly shows how illogical your arguement is and that your stupid dickhead i have made you out to be.

As for the nerds being the best our uni has to offer, i doubt it, Im not gonna mention names but i put to you i could kick most of their arses and yours in a stimulated moot

One last request is that you reveal yourself, dont continue to be gutless under an Anonymous identity.

Skuller supporting the irresponsible consumption of alcohol


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