Monday, July 24, 2006


Thanks to the person that found out about the LSA website. For the record, Tenny Kim (one of's great friends) is not on the LSA anymore to fix the I.T. problems. However, rumour is that he fixed this problem anyway. Great job Tenny.

Now, if the LSA could change the picture to show on the homepage to show the new council (We'll give them some time on this one, there's a few more important things to do for the time being).

P.S - I think you have to re-evaluate your life when it gets to the point that when you're halfway through a conversation with someone and they say, "this IS off the record isn't it?".

By the way, this weeks album is Wolfmother by the artist of the same name. Try tracks Colossal, Woman, White Unicorn and Pyramid. In our opinion (that being of they're a cross between Jimi Hendrix, Black Sabbath and The White Stripes. Decent first offering.


At 12:15 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tenny is an absolute gentleman. Gordon can we get him on as the IT reporter please.

At 6:15 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen re the LSA candidate who went to Melbourne. (Not the great mooters) I would like to know whether the funds from Student Council(LSA President has previously said the funds came from there)come from our payments(ie the $88 Student 'Activities Fee' or obviously indirectly we must pay for it) Re the LSA representataive can we finally find out who went? Where they fully funded? What did they do? Was it worth the money spent? Did the full LSA vote on the issue? Did they all get a chance to go?

At 6:32 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on the semester is nearly over the web site should be up to date after finally being capable of access.

At 6:50 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Skuller reporting. I would first like to express my dissent with the finding of Gordon P, I think the LSA website update is of critical importance. It was sold by Brendan in the electorate campaign, but more so the negative image it reflects on the current LSA and law school. It has been some 6 weeks since the LSA has been sworn in, to reiterate on points i have mentioned earlier, i think it is appalling that president of his own IT company has failed to maintain what was one a functioning website, further still the image has not changed although the photography of the new LSA has occurred some while ago. It reflects a negative image of laziness and incompetence, it shows to the legal profession that, we here at bond are doing nothing and that after 6 weeks at least we cant even bother to update a picture on the LSA website, a technique even i as technology impaired as I am could manage. I submit updating the picture is crucial to our image as a law school and student association and should be done ASAP.

After a pleasant chat with culinary critic Matt Lorkin over a meal at the refurbished Bra (My report is, New look same shit food)we agreed to continue our efforts to keep the LSA and its president accountable, we agreed this was a productive means of our time as our complaints to the food in the bra would serve us no good considering Brendan is doing nothing more then dating young beautiful women at Juicy Bits after hearing our concerns. Further neglecting the law students who’s welfare he should be protecting.

These are the fresh new issues Skuller and matt declare information and clarification on. Our Harry Gibbs mooters are only partially funded as they go off to represent Bond (I still maintain my view others should go). Mean while a LSA member was completely funded to attend the ALSA meeting in Melbourne where reports tell was nothing more then one giant piss up (of which being a champion alcoholic I should have gone) and of no avail to law students here at Bond. I am interested to hear why the LSA members think it is more important then the image of the law school as a whole. Why is the LSA conflicting its own interest to that of the common good?

I got numerous emails from Brendan today further glorifying himself. They where in relation to how he was helping out in the careers department. We here at wish to know if there are any financial incentives that are helping Brendan help us. His services are an improvement to the careers department, but hey that wouldn’t have been to hard to begin with. Further more there is bias in the work Brendan is doing, as so far we students only have information on NSW firms, coincidental I’m sure (note sarcasism) the state Brendan wishes to work in. I want Brendan to confront and either admit or logically dismiss these claims of bias and i demand him to send information for those students interested in practicing in other parts of Australia. I have my doubts as to whether Brendan will do this though, i fear the self interest notion of the majority of the LSA will continue and that there is no need for Brendan to actively seek jobs for other student when the man said and i quote "Jack, If i can steer the LSA through VSU i can pick any job, anywhere i want".

On my way to my late Torts lecture at 7:00 Pm tonight AEST, and staying consistent to my values of buying chicken twistees and diet coke before a torts tute i heard the members of the LSA confront student Council President Jess. I could tell in the tone that Jess was speaking that this was the first time they had meet given the need for Jess to explain everything thoroughly and over again to our intellectually challenged committee. My question to the president is why has the LSA waited so long to get in contact with Student Council, why hasn’t such important political work been carried out earlier. And if Student Council was the cause of the delay why didn’t the LSA do more to discuss issues with the SC, not letting some 6 weeks pass before important political infrastructure is laid down.

LSA President has also made notice that he has gone out of his way to have dinner with the VC and law school staff. Your shadow ministers here at wish to know where this money is coming. Is it personal expense from Brendan, the only justified way of financing such a scheme, or was it taken from the coffers of the LSA in as Brendan put it "in such challenging times of VSU". Or was this a further insult to university students as a whole, was the expense charged to our ridiculously high fees. Dinners not needed and more dollars wasted of those of the upper echelon who neither need nor deserve such resources wasted on them

Skuller reporting, supporting the irresponsible consumption of alcohol

At 6:58 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

The lsa site has the constitution assuming its the current one?
The lsa constitution re objects and purpose.2.2. Addressing student concerns about lecturing standards, course materials, tutorial problems and so on, with the Faculty Member concerned or the Dean of the Faculty of Law
The lsa constitution re Presidents duties5.1. The duties of the President of ASSOCIATION shall be:
5.1.1. To act as the official representative of the Association
5.1.2. To further the objects of the Association

How can the President do this whilst he is working in essence for the faculty be that paid or unpaid.

At 7:05 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was this position offered to others? How did it come about? Are there others better qualified who are seeking such part time work?

At 10:03 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Be that work paid or unpaid

At 10:10 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey guys,

Im not on LSA so cant answer anything official, but i went to ALSA as a mooter (partially funded by the faculty- not activity fees or LSA) so i know what went on at the ALSA conference and can probably clarify some points.

Im not sure where student council derived the funding to send their ALSA rep

Who went?
Brendan Scandrett, the academic affairs director on LSA

Why him?
Because normally the ALSA rep goes (i.e. Trev), however unfortunately Trev was unable to go.. So they sent another rep from the LSA- and he obviously was a great ambassador for bond down there, as he is now on the committee of the Australian Law Students Association.

Fully funded?
You will have to ask him, it would make sense that he was as he was representing the university and the law faculty as a whole at bond.

What did he do?
Everyday (most days all day) he went to ALSA council meetings, discussing issues of Law Students in Aus (and NZ)- giving him a chance to learn (and report back to Bond) on what other LSA's do, and also giving him a chance to let others know what Bond does. Again, he obviously did this very well as he was voted into the ALSA committee.

Was it worth the money spent?

Definitely. Bond is now the only uni in Australia with two people on the ALSA committee (Matt Canta and Brendan Scandrett), which places the entire uni in an extremely good position and makes us look very capable in the eyes of other unis.

Because of ALSA, we know where other unis are at, and if they are doing something well that works, we can try to get it here. Specifically, one thing i learnt down at ALSA was the Uni of Melbournes internal competition system- which is very advanced! I spoke to the competitions director of the LSA at Melb uni and they gave me a copy of their competitions guide (some 50 pages long)- which i gave to the LSA.

There is a general meeting for LSA next week- you can ask Brendan yourself there for what he got out of it.

In the evenings there were social events sponsored by law firms. Yes, there was alcohol there, yes people got drunk. That didnt stop anyone from Bond working until 2-3am on their respective competitionsthe next day, or stop Brendan S being up at 9am the next day to be back at the ALSA meeting to contribute.

I can state here though that the LSA rep who went on your behalf did an excellent job.

Also, i think the LSA constitution is the current one. They only change them at the general meetings- they made a change to the constitution at the Last AGM (i.e. before elections)- saying that if there are going to be changes in electoral laws then there must be a vote by the lsa comittee as a whole (previously it was just the executive)- they had to do this as so many executives on the last LSA re-ran.

So id say its up to date.

And re: the dinner with VC- it was something we ALL had the opportunity to do. Every semester the VC invites the students to have dinner with him, and Amy Rowland sent out an all students email earlier in the semester asking who wanted to go.

Not here to spark any debates or fights etc :) lots of people had questions, thought id try to answer some!

Kate :)

At 10:27 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

quite the diplomate Kate, a good looking one to lol

At 2:50 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hands up all those who just heard Kate's skin crawl!

At 6:53 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha, good one mate, good one

At 7:05 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

How come when you go to the library desk to sign up for 063 LSA as p suggests the library staff have not been delivered the forms yet. The LSA should have these forms there now ensuring those who want to sign up do so prior to the end of Lectures.

At 8:20 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I lost my chance to get a free shirt because the forms are not there. I am dirty.

At 8:33 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring on VSU this system is a shambles no accountability and no delivery

At 8:39 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

No help on campus. No taking of feedback. Sworn at. No web site. No forms to sign up for 063 student association.

At 10:10 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

i will take the odd chance to step into defend the LSA and SC in relationship to VSU.

It is crucial now more then ever that students remain patriotic to there associations.

I did state earlier that VSU will introduce accountabillity to associations as they will have to please there members. However having a strong student union keeps facutilys and universities accountable. It stems the good chances of corruption from our academic elites and gives us a voice against what are some/most times illogical and either self serving to the academics or in the contrary interest of the students. If we maintain the strength of our unions we can ensure we have a voice and the power to change things. United we stand, divided we fall.

There is also the issue of value for money. When one thinks how much value (easily three to five fold) they get out of ther $88. Your idiot if you dont join the unions for the sheer economic factors.

The only thing we have to erraticate is the vile evil of having left winged unions or people on that union. If SC or LSA are to ever go down this street then joining or continuing to support such unions should be annulled.

with that said Skuller here, supporting the irresponsible consumption of alcohol and student unionship

At 10:34 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

With that said its time to get back to my usual role of criticising the LSA. I forgot to mention it in last nights rant.

Somedays ago President Brendanmate note how it was hipocritical i criticised the selection of the mooters when i had not inlisted and will not compete in the client interview competition. My response is this Mr President. Why was it that the students only had less then a weeks knowledge before the event will occur, esspecially so late in the semester where their academic concerns must be priority.

I also seek the president accut guidence as to why what is meant to be the big skills competition of this semester is scheduled to run over such a short time and with such a small pool of contestants. I think the current comp is organised very poorly and that it will fizzle. If this is how the LSA is going to run the competitions for this term of office i asked them to hand control of such competition back to the factulty. This would ensure some level of professionalism in a avenue for the students to focus their skills. Something i submitt that is more important then being able to memorise a book. If the good repudation of our law school is to survive what looks like could be a challanging reasons for more then VSU, the LSA will have to pick up its game


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