Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Skuller "pools" em all

  • Firstly, congrats to Matt Lambert, Diego, and the rest of the Canadian Law Student's Association for putting on the barbecue yesterday. It's nice to have a real bun with my burger once in a while (that didn't sound right).
  • Skuller has done it again. Last night he repeated as Bond University pool champion at Don's Tavern. Quite a feat. I'm sure that $160 winners envelope will buy him a few bourbon's and coke. Yours truly got drilled in the first round by presidential candidate Matt Cantatore (not a good way to get votes in my opinion), but after much pleading to tournament director Will Ewing, I bought back in for another $5 only to get a worse drubbing by Bronte.
  • There has been an overwhelming response from the candidates for the informal meet the candidates night for Thursday at Club 20 and Don's Tavern. 80 per cent of the candidates have responded yes to the idea. Still waiting on a few others. We'll give them a chance to respond before publicly calling them out for either giving a yes or no reason why they can't make it. If they can't do that, how can they responsibly represent a whole student body?
  • By the way, previous picture on this site was not Wilky or Bassett lying on the floor (from the "Random" post). However, this picture could conceivably be Lambert, circa 1994, when he used to work in promotions for Lick's Hamburgers. It's too bad he's abandoned the longer hair look.
  • Here's another thing we're going to accomplish this week. We need all the votes possible to get Lizzie Greene the teaching award in the law school this semester. Please send all your vote to Brendan Scandrett bscandre@ student.bond.edu.au with three reasons why she should win - I can think of 30. Need them in by today! So send them now.


At 1:16 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a genius idea about the meet the candidate thing...kudos to the good people at www.gordprisco.com

At 1:17 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

i must concur with the above, even though i dont like agreeing with the vitamin.

At 3:06 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr Vitamin, where did you find this picture? Lick's Restaurants Ltd was not supposed to have posted any such pictures on the net for free download. I feel this is defamatory material, and I am not pleased.

The Story:

It is true folks - I once flipped burgers while singing along at Lick's restaurants back in the Hammer. Although i never had long hair - this was a wig for a promotional gig - encouraging people to eat more hamburgers because they are very good for your health. Health scientists have since changed there mind, but the point remains the same. I am a former employee of Lick's.


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