What AREN'T these two students doing?
Trevor (left) and Matt Lambert (right) seen in the picture above are taking care of business. Working with the rest of the Canadian Law Student's Association (CLSA) at Bond University, they are preparing packages for potential employers back in Canada. Trevor tells me that there are 225 firms they are sending packages to (as an aside, Trevor will be doing the same thing for other international students as his role on the LSA). To be fair they're not alone. They're working with other members of the CLSA including Paula, Wilky, Diego....and others.
If they need assistance, they have full use of our staff at www.gordprisco.blogspot.com.
Thanks guys.
On another note. I am tempted at putting up the link for the two-legged dog again.
to me it looks like the guy on the left is serious about the issues and taking care of the business. The guy on the right looks like some drunk who is funneling clsa money into his own bank acct for lavish hot tub parties with lots of beer.
he looks shady to me and i'm not sure we can trust him....i demand to know more about this individual in the hot tub.
And it looks to me like you are totally weak for posting under an Anonymous login.
Stop being such a pussy and put your name where your mouth is.
odd...how are u affected by that comment??
I wont have anyone putting shit on Matt, He is a great bloke and as the alcohol critic here at www.gordprisco.blogspot.com i think he more then justifies his actions as a drinker. As a pool player though he has a lot of work infront of him, i remember beating him by 7 balls, then he very rudely disrespected my jurisdiction by failing to do the pantless walk of shame around the pool table, the rule when you loose by 7
As for the secret person, yeah guttless mate and cynical, you judge a man on a drunk photo, bloody pathetic, may we pray you never make the executive of the CLSA or any other position similiar
Skuller supporting the irresponsible consumption of alcohol
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