Wednesday, July 19, 2006


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Speaking of loyal readers - Jack the "Skuller" Blackburn. Here is his first forray into the world of (expetives omitted...and there were lots!). Disclaimer: We at are not responsible for any spelling mistakes or any slander or defamation suits. Here it is:

Jack "skuller" Blackburn reporting, I believe this is my first statement under employment from

Hooper wasnt actually on bredan side, he ran VP for the opisition. Most of us studying a real degree "Law" not some pussy Hunanitarian degree know how to argue.

In issues of Brendan Jurisdiction as LSA president i put it to the world he has it. It may not be direct but as president of LSA he has jurisdiction over the well fair of LSA students, since some like myself live on campus he has jurisdiction to cater for my food needs, i consider it inadequate that i either have to choose from food posioning from the food on campus or starvation as its only alternative. Since it affect law students brendan has jurisdiction and from my talkings with him he is putting an arguement forward. If brendan wants to allign with res students to release us from our 3rd world/imprisonment conditions i am not going to object to it.

As for Library hours they are to short, no one "real" gets up until 12 on saturday or sunday this leaves &$@! all hours to go to the library, the library should be open 9 am to 11 pm everyday

On to a real issue, The uni tavern. As the alcohol critic at i am constantly pepressed at the effort the uni is putting in at dons. The prices are to high, the staff to slow and the places isnt open enough, take the weekend when they served our dinner there for the reasons being that they are trying to destroy the plague of rats and other infectious things in the brasserie. They didnt serve alcohol, UN@#&!INBELIEVABLE!, i am outraged needless to say, they had the doors to the Alcohol chiller chained shut with locks. I put to Bond University i could kick there arse at running a pub as i have exprience growing up in one, Beatting the current effort at Dons wouldnt be to hard though.

More as it happens, i must work on cracking my PB [personal best] with the pitcher of bourbon, 30 seconds isnt good enough, i will be workin hard to get it down to 25

This is skuller reporting, Supporting the irrosponsible consumption of alcohol.

I think the Skuller may have been drunk when he wrote this. We may have to get Jack Walkden Brown back at this school to give the Skuller a writing skills seminar. Although, his love for writing cannot be denied. Rumour has it that skuller went 900 words over the limit (1500 words) for his Admin paper...and he's still got ideas.

P.S. - we're getting answers to issues around here. Please comment on changes to library hours if you already haven't done so. The big library roundtable is tomorrow and will be there...for the free lunch anyway.


At 9:18 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I understand after originally deciding we shouldn't be spending any money to send anyone to the ALSA conference, a last decision was made to pay for someone to go from LSA funding. What came of this? Was it money well spent? Communicate this message if you have one.
Did you get an answer on this Gordon.


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